(no subject)

Jan 03, 2006 18:36

this is the convo. that me and dalton had...I'm smiley.
and I know for a fact that he has done and still kinda does drugs...he gets wasted all the time and have known for him to be high every so often. In 8th grade he talked about weed like EVERYDAY.

d_faz41: hey
smiley: hey
d_faz41: who is this?
smiley: Ariel
d_faz41: ariel white?
smiley: yes
d_faz41: o hey hows it goin?
smiley: lol great
d_faz41: i havent talked to u in forever
smiley: I know! whats up with that? lol j/k Hows life been treatin you?
d_faz41: o good u r never on hows school???
smiley: it's goin good...
smiley: or ok...
d_faz41: cool
d_faz41: ok?
smiley: it could be better
d_faz41: o ys that???
smiley: report cards go out in a few days...they got me worried but I figure I'm worrying about nothing
d_faz41: o thats it?"
d_faz41: u make good grades dont u?
smiley: Yerp lostest I have ever gotten was a C and that was last year when I switched schools...it was the first C I had ever gotten
d_faz41: o thats cool
smiley: yerp...what kind of grades do you get?
smiley: lol passing?
d_faz41: good
d_faz41: all as
d_faz41: a's
smiley: I always knew you we're smart
d_faz41: ya lol i guess
smiley: but you get high too much
smiley: lol
d_faz41: ok???
d_faz41: what r u talkin about?
smiley: nvm
d_faz41: what do u mean?
d_faz41: that i get high like on drugss?
smiley: yeah maybe.....or w/e it is
d_faz41: ok
smiley: lol
d_faz41: i am the valdictorian of my class who does drugs???
d_faz41: that makes sense
smiley: ok...sorry....I see your point now
d_faz41: do u really think i do drugs???
smiley: yerp
d_faz41: why
d_faz41: ?
d_faz41: who told you that?
smiley: idk...maybe because you get drunk sometimes and seems like I heard a story bout you gettin high
d_faz41: ok who told u that???
d_faz41: ok who told u that???
smiley: no one that I can remember. I just seem to remember hearin one like maybe it was a rumer. ya know?
d_faz41: no
d_faz41: i dont its not true
smiley: ok...
smiley: sorry...
d_faz41: well if you hear someone say that you tell them thats not right
smiley: ok...I will
d_faz41: ok
smiley: you still goin to red oak school?
d_faz41: yes
d_faz41: its awesome
smiley: o yeah...lol I get to eat off campus and go where ever I want...which prob. also means that I'm fater too
d_faz41: lol ya thats cool
d_faz41: i wish we could go off campus too
smiley: yeah...kinda stupid that you don't but I bet it's b/c the school needs the money
smiley: brb
d_faz41: ya idk
d_faz41: ok
smiley: back
d_faz41: ok
smiley: so...
smiley: what do you got on your mind
d_faz41: oooooooooooooooo idk
d_faz41: why?
d_faz41: what do u have on ur mind?
smiley: I was j/w.....I was think that there's this one guy at school that I like alot but I don't have anywhere near the guts to ask him out.what do you think I should do? that ever happend to you...but with a girl...lol
d_faz41: ya i know what you mean idk find out if he likes you and start talkin to him
d_faz41: before you ask him out
smiley: lol I already talk to him but idk if he likes me...ooook later if your offline
smiley: ok?
d_faz41: lol my comp is jake
d_faz41: d
d_faz41: hey i gotta go ill talk to u later
smiley: ok
smiley: later have fun!
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