Apr 12, 2005 15:23
gah. i forgot how totally boring and life-sapping school can be. i'm stuck in the computer room in the seceond period of my double free, sat next to some obnoxious year sevens who think they know everything there is to know about HTML, trying to block their lesson out by listening to some music. i've just finished A Night At The Opera and i can't decide what to put on next, so for the moment it's on repeat until i can choose another album.
yeah ... i came up here with SO many good intentions, i really did. seeing as it's a double free, i thought i'd start typing up all the work i need to do for my theatre studies portfolio (seeing as we couldn't work on the practical today because tom was on a trip and susanna has the 'flu). except the minute i walk into the computer room, i swear the air conditioner starts pumping out some sort of energy-stealing gas which robs me of the will to live. consequently, however motivated i am before i get here, i can never be arsed to do anything by the time i actually sit down at the computer to work. ergo, henceforth and in conclusion, i'm writing. i've got nothing else to do.
hmph. i have the biggest motherfucking ulcer on my tongue - yes, that's right, my TONGUE - and it kills. my tongue is about twice the size it should be so i'm speaking with a lisp at the moment, and on top of this the horrible germyness of the ulcer means i've got a shitload of brand new spots. this happens EVERY TIME i get an ulcer in my mouth and it's so annoying. drrr.
plus, the Higher Education conference we're going on tomorrow is going to be a complete waste of time for me, i can just tell. i seriously don't see the point in me going. i've already got all the prospectuses i need from the schools i want to go to, i've research payment and tuition fees and all that jazz (seriously, if i don't qualify for a Dance And Drama Award i am SO going to scream. we have two mortgages, for christs sake! and we have big sister's uni fees to consider. plus mum might be getting a new job soon, which i don't think pays as much as the one she's in at the moment, but seeing as she hates her job i don't blame her. i'd rather go for the job satisfaction than the money ... hence the reason for going into the theatre). the only reason i could have had to go there would be to see if there were any cute boys in the area, but noooooo. the school have to screw things up, don't they? they send the boys along today and the girls tomorrow. like we're all going to be SO badly behaved if we're all together. we're all just going to run off and shag in the bushes because we're teenagers and we can't control our libidos. pfft.
in other news ... still no word on that film. i'm getting slightly annoyed now. i wanna seeeeeeeeeeee it. hmph.