Apr 09, 2005 14:16
i'm really pleased with stuff at the moment. everything's going really well, i've got lots of friends, i'm getting better at socialising and
oh, let's just cut the crap. my life stinks. i'm stuck in a shitty town doing a-levels i really don't want to be doing, i've got no boyfriend and i'm just generally feeling pissy. and don't you dare call me hormonal. it's nothing to do with hormones. my life does, as a matter of fact, suck. big time. and you know the bit that REALLY pisses me off? i know for a fact that none of this is my fault. not one. single. thing. yep ... it's all someone else's fault. and no, i'm not just blaming other people for the hell of it. it's true. other people really are to blame for my misfortunes. look, i'll prove it ...
a-levels: parents' fault. really don't want to be doing them as they are a complete waste of time, but the rental units wasnt me to have 'something to fall back on'. while i know this is a good idea, it still sucks.
stuck in a shitty town: again, parents' fault. hey, they moved me here. they could have moved me somewhere cooler, but nooooooo.
lack of boyfriend: boys' fault. ok, and i s'pose partially my fault as well, but that's only because there are no decent boys to choose from, and this is because of living in said shitty town. therefore, ergo and in conclusion, lack of boyfriend is actually parents' fault yet again.
general unhappiness: caused by aforementioned items, which have all been conclusively proven to be parents' fault.
don't get me wrong, i'm not blaming my parents for anything. i love them to pieces. they're the best parents in the world. mum bought me a waterbra and dad got me tickets to go see Queen and Paul Rodgers. my parents rock. it's just that, by logical reasoning, a lot of the bad things in my life are their fault.
the main thing i'm pissed off about if the lack of boyfriend. i'm just so fucking pissed off about that it's not funny. seriously ... you'd think that there would be SOME nice, polite, non-chav, single boys out there, wouldn't you? well, you'd be very very wrong. there are NONE. not in dover, anyway. they're all chavs or they're all taken. and it sucks. i mean, i know i've made up that huge long list of important criteria for the perfect boyfriend, but let's face it ... HE DOES NOT EXIST. right now i'll settle for (almost) anything. seriously.
so if anyone has any tips on how to get a boyfriend or where all the nice boys go, please, for the love of peanut butter, tell me. because if you do, i will love you forever. i will. mmhmm. oh yes.
and ANOTHER thing ... i'm really quite pissed off with my dad as well. i mean, what does he have against me that he doesn't have against big sister? big sister isn't doing an academic subject at uni. big sister didn't even finish her a-levels, she dropped out after her as-levels. i, on the other hand, am determined to see all my a-levels through and while i'm not doing an academic subject at uni, i am doing a degree and it's a very strenuous degree at that. so why can he accept big sister wanting to do a fine art degree, but he can't accept me wanting to do a musical theatre degree? what actually is the difference? what makes it ok for big sister to do it and not for me? drrr. wanker.
ahh ... i needed that rant.