Jan 10, 2005 04:51
I love you mike...you make the B E S T journals.
you are an amazing kid.<3
Never loose your car keys, i think it feels like getting kicked in the balls lol
thought i left them in chem.
cried all day until mommy brought me the extra one @ the end of the day
got bitched at.
claren had them the whole time
she grabbed them by accident and put them in her backpack
what a raging dumbass. i love her though...
I have to work tonight. :(
what happened to the good ol' days?
where me and vivi would would beat eachother up at dance class?
or when me and dani would go to the beach for 5 mintues, hate it, and then go to the mall?
i feel like i have to pay the bills and put the food on the table.=(
i had an awesome birthday though.<3 i love all of my friends.
more later xoxo.