Nov 04, 2005 14:43
So I had a really awkward converstation today where I was enlightened of the acronym for mush. I have this Peruvian guy who doesn't speak English very well trying to compliment me on one of my other journals right. Well one day I get a message from him saying "You are very beautiful. Thank you very mush". So of course I laughed heartily and started incorporating this phonetics gone wrong spelling into my daily vocab.
Today I dropped a " Thank you very mush" to one of my male co-workers/friends. He loves to google strange words, so i get a link to this abbreviation/acronym website. Apparently, Mush is bascially an acronym for online orgy communities.
Oh and if it wasn't embarassing enough, I then had to explain the origin for "Thank you very mush" which led to a whole, Well how are you sure that wasn't his actual intention when he said it. Oh God...For a girl who doesn't get embarrassed too easily, this one is one of the top 5.