Today I was talking to
guremegami and we were discussing our old livejournals. I'm talking way old. Like when I was 18 (at the oldest). I was afraid to show that journal because I *sorta* remember how I was back then and it wasn't pretty. I wasn't a scum bag or anything, on the contrary I was probably more "pure" back then than I am now, but damn was I ever a moron! I started to read back through it and I'd see things like this:
Sunday, June 29th, 2003
Subject:Wow A lot of Intelligence Time:1:07 am. Mood: accomplished.Music:Starting Line - No One's Gonna Stop Us Now.
And the post was:
"Sometimes I say to myself: 'It's time to write an entry chock full of nonsense and immaturity,' but then I have an intellectual chat and end up deciding not to. It's one of those nights. I harken back to the day when I didn't have these 'intelligent' chats, and could write moronic updates as much as I wanted. What happened to the good ol' days?'"
June 2003 was when I had just graduated high school. Anything could impress me at this point in my life. A list of things that impressed me:
1. This was the time of my life where anime would deeply touch me. Shit, at this point in my life I'd get stomach butterflies from watching Fushigi Yugi. If you don't know what that anime is, rest assured, it's one of the most sappy cliche' things on the planet.
2. Some idiot from my senior class chugged a can of red bull, crushed it on his head, and then threw it at the freshman class--I was telling people how hilarious it was for the next week.
3. I'd wear a shirt that had a monkey on it that said "I Fling Poo" and I'd make sure everyone knew that I was in fact, wearing a shirt that said "poo." I was so proud of my shirt. I'd start conversations with the hope that they'd notice my monkey and his scatological inclinations. Then when they'd say "haha I just saw your shirt" I'd pretend I didn't even realize it was special and then tell stories about how funny my clothing choices were to people I didn't like.
4. Whenever Lowtax would make an update on I'd print it out and show my friends. One time he said that George Washington couldn't breathe fire but invoked it through sorcery and witchcraft. I thought that was comedic gold. (I still do)
5. Getting a kiss on the cheek would make me feel like a pimp. I slow-danced with three girls at my senior homecoming and I couldn't stop bragging for a month.
6. A man with three balls.
I could go on! The point is, getting back to my old post, whatever "intelligent chat" I had was probably no more than me and some other fat, dateless dude talking about how women only go for assholes or something along those lines. Something that has been said time and time again, but that we feel so clever for pointing out in our own circumstances. Kinda like how so many women at that age think they're clever for complaining that all guys are afraid of commitment or are dumb or whatever it is trendy for stupid high school girls to whine about. My conversation probably went like this:
Him: "I heard that Jill is dating Wes. Those two seem very good together."
Me: "Perhaps. But you know that is but a facade, and they are nothing but a pair of shallow people falling into societies norms..."
Him: "Indeed. Do go on."
Me: "You see, Wes is a dick. I like Jill, I may even love her, but because Wes is skinny and attractive, so she'll always pick him over me because all women are shallow and Wes is exploiting this."
Him: "A truth. A universal truth. You have opened my eyes, Caron. Women always go for assholes and it is unfair to nice guys like you and I."
Me: "Don't beat yourself up, Him. They just don't realize what they're missing."
Him: "They probably won't for years to come. We're thinking years ahead of our time."
Me: "Totally making an LJ post about how smart I am."
I think the reason I have so little respect for people that whine so much about their lots in life, or that post things solely for the purpose of getting attention or adulation, is because that is what I used to do. Whenever I see a flaw in another person that I managed to change about myself, I get frustrated. Especially when those people are older than me. I'm working on just being amused by it and find ways to point out to people how pathetic they are without offending them. It's tough! Especially when I still have plenty of flaws I need to work out.
Any of my other eight readers ever take a look back and marvel at how dumb you used to be? If you haven't, you should. And then post it here so I don't feel like the only jackass amongst us.