The Freudian Slip (8/15) (Part Three)

Jul 26, 2011 00:37

Title: The Freudian Slip (8/15) (Part Three)
Author: Gess aka live_by_lyrics
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth
P.O.V.: third person omniscient, (slightly limited to Jack Barakat)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: References to sensuous touching and psychiatric help.
Summary: An amateur psychoanalyst becomes enamoured with his latest patient.
Disclaimer: This ( Read more... )

author: live_by_lyrics, rating: pg-13, chaptered: the freudian slip, pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth

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THIS BETTER POST DAMMIT. live_by_lyrics July 28 2011, 22:11:10 UTC
Awh thank you :) It’s okay. I’m glad you commented on this one though, LJ is being such a pain I was worried no one would be able to comment at a time where I’ve been feeling so unsure of myself.

I love writing the suspense. I’m planning on giving you guys a little more back story as the plot continues, and then a final ‘confession’ somewhere in like chapter 11 or something (I need to work on my outline). But I think that we should keep in mind that Alex is suffering from GAD, a mental disorder that is skewing a lot of his thoughts/emotions. So whatever happened may not seem as ‘scarring’ to ‘normal’ people.

I really wanted to write a Halloween part to this story from the start. It’s such a dark and creepy holiday, and when someone dresses up as something else it can tell you a lot about a person’s personality. (Let’s disregard the how frequently ATL dresses up as females when I say that ahha.) Choosing ‘caveman’ for Rian was kinda hard for me. At first I thought he was going to be another super hero, but I realized he’s too negative of a character in this story. So I focused in on how aggressive and spontaneous he is, and caveman came to me. To be honest, I didn’t initially plan for Alex to have such a hate to Halloween. But as I developed the idea of ‘playing a role’ and factored in the fact Alex Gaskarth has a skeleton tattoo in real life, it kind of took over. Any reminder of dressing up, deception, and really festivity/partying freaks him out. Ah! No, he didn’t kill anyone. Though you’re not the first to assume that ‘you-don’t-know-who’ is dead, I guess I do sound really sinister when it comes to this person, but it’s kind of just dramatic effect XD They are in pretty bad shape though, more so emotionally, so that’s why is deemed a ‘destructor/killer’ in that sense.

Me, in a verbal fight? Ahha, it’s funny how you can tell things about an author by their writing... I’ll admit I’m fairly argumentative by nature. So that in combination to larger-than-normal vocabulary and a love of cheesy puns can make me a tough competitor in a debate.

Procrastinating is such a terrible habit...that everyone indulges in. Good luck with that report! :D


katriina125 July 30 2011, 21:12:20 UTC
Oh no! If LJ doesn't let me post on here in the future, I'll be sure to leave you a message in your ask. I don't want you to feel unsure of yourself ): You are the best writer I know. I mean that.

Ahaha, I can tell since you use so much of it! It's infuriating, but you do it so well I can't bring myself to be mad at you. I totally forgot Jack made that diagnosis. Now I'll have to go rethink all of my theories.

I was reading some of the other reader's comments, and I noticed something. Why does Gabe act so oddly when he meets Alex? Was he associated with the mystery person? He couldn't be 'you-don't-know-who' because Rian and Zack saw him but didn't react at all. So I'm thinking.. maybe.. A friend? Or friend of a friend? Ohmygod I don't know. Am I at least getting warmer?

I agree with you on the "when someone dresses up as something else it can tell you a lot about a person's personality." Though I laughed pretty hard at the jab at ATL for dressing up as girls, even that shows they have a good sense of humor and they like to make people laugh. I find it ironic that Alex gets so freaked out about partying and dressing up when really, that's all he does. The incorporation of the tattoo was brilliant, and a nice tidbit for the dedicated fans who actually know what that tattoo means. The whole, 'dressing up as yourself' thing blends nicely with this story.

Ahaha, I'm pretty much the same way, for my age. Most people in my grade still use 'your mom!' as a comeback though, so it's really not that difficult to seem more witty than I am.

Unfortunately, this is true - and thanks!


live_by_lyrics August 1 2011, 02:47:31 UTC
Awh thank you :) You're so sweet.

Aha, my (excessive) use of suspense is the reason I try not to end chapters with cliffhangers ;) Each chapter has a set goal...and this one was to get Alex to notice Jack. But ah! Don't ever forget about Alex's GAD, it's an underlying rationale to everything I write. We'll get to see it more overtly in chapter nine :)

Yes! That's why I warned you all the beginning to watch for the word encantado;

"Saporta nods slowly, a flicker of recognition passing him. “Encantado, pleasure to meet you.”"

Gabe doesn't know them personally, but he knows of them. I mentioned before that he indulges in hipsterism... he knew of their band back when the four of them were together.

Ahaha, of course I was just teasing with the girl jab, but I'd say you're right. It kinda shows off ATL's approach to sexuality in general, and how you've got four dudes in incredibly tight (female-based) pants constantly making (homosexual) dick jokes.

It is ironic. You've probably noticed how often Alex tells himself he 'deserves this.' He dresses up/parties intentionally, because it makes him feel bad inside (we saw his regret when he wouldn't let Jack go down on him initially). He punishes himself, by acting like this huge fuck-up. Its his way of convincing himself he is a fuck-up. Its really rather twisted, but its a struggle between the id (what Alex wants) and the ego (what society expects of Alex). When the id and ego are then put against one another, you get repression, and this causes anxiety. Thus the GAD.

Aha, the tattoo was completely not intended to be incorporated in this story, but I saw the connection when I explored writing in Alex's POV in chapter five. The theme of 'dressing up' is something I personally can relate to, and I guess you could say its a part of why I connected to ATL in the first place. You can find a lot of it in Alex Gaskarth's lyrics, and 'Actors' is definitely one of my favourite songs.

Omg, your mom jokes. ahaha. My brother and I still throw them around once in a while, which is just terrible 'cause yes, we have the same mom XD


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