Like Freshly Cut Grass (Stand Alone)

May 26, 2011 19:00

I gathered more clippings in my hands, exhilarated with revelations of my past, epiphanies of my love for him. I threw them over my head, feeling them land in my hair but not caring how long it took me to coif it that morning. The moisture rained down on me, like little drops of past. I kicked back the biodegradable bag, pushing my small piles ( Read more... )

author: live_by_lyrics, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, standalone, rating: pg-13

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therapyrequired May 27 2011, 22:56:13 UTC
Haha, no it wasn’t but like you said that was the point, and once you read it all through the illogicalness beginning makes sense.

It is a pretty cool word right? It fits perfectly with your writing style though. I like your term ‘magical realism’ I think I talked about this in another post somewhere? (I forget where were up to these days) Anyway, yeah, I like to have that sense of realism in whatever I’m reading.

So it’s a ‘write what you know’ thing? You’ve been there and ideas/imagery appeared, and it flowed into the writing. Even when you have an original idea of just using liquids, you turn it into something even more wonderful by making it bodily fluids that represent life. Asdfhkfgj, I wish my mind worked like yours.

I was originally going to go into detail with each memory, but I was partly lazy, partly felt I'd ruin it with too much detail. Less is more in this case.

Yes, more is less in this case. It’s like Alex was Day-dreaming away? I can totally fit that song into this scenario. But day dreams are vivid in sense but when they’re gone, they’re gone and it’s back to being another memory.

Gardening isn’t that bad, although I do try my hardest to get out of doing it. I prefer to wash the cars in all honesty. Haha.

Grass fetish/day-dream trigger… Same thing right? Hahaha.


live_by_lyrics May 28 2011, 17:48:38 UTC
Weave. Yes, yes. I'll have to store it into my brain so I can use it more often. I think I talked about magical realism in TFS's chapter seven's comments. Its basically a realist story that 'weaves' in myths, historical facts into it, so there are moments where you're not entirely sure if what is being described by the narrative is happening in the present, or in the past, or if its real at all. Mind bender.

Personally, I've always kind of hated that line. "Write what you know." I know what people mean when they say it, that its easier to write about things you've personally experienced so you can get the imagery right and stuff, but I like using writing as an opportunity to feel/think through things that will never happen to me. I guess its a chance to live through characters and create alternate realities, which sounds like escapism, but when you apply it all to realism, it's quite the good thinking exercise.

That being said, the moments I described in this story didn't precisely happen to me the way they are described, (probably because I'm not a married gay man) but there fairly ordinary feelings; your hands sweating, your nose bleeding etc. So I knew how where the moisture would form, how the coolness of it feels, and figured everyone would be able to relate.

As for my mind...thank you, but really, its nothing. You should hear the things my English professors come up with in lecture. The connections they form blow my mind to bits.

Gah, you made me cheat and listen to day dream away! XD ahah, but I always assumed that day dreams weren't memories? But hypothetical situations people create because they can't deal with the real thing.. 'I'll keep you a daydream away, just watch from a safe place, so I'll never have to lose?" (*But omg, he sounds beautiful in this song<3) But they are quite vivid and may stem off memories, maybe like what you wish you had done in that situation?

My mom is a gardening fanatic. It kind of kills my flower buzz.

Hmm, that is very very true. Grass would trigger a sort of sexual euphoria in which the pleasing situation may appear real to an individual.

ahahaa, that'd be quite unfortunate though, getting turned on every time you walk by grass. XD


therapyrequired May 29 2011, 00:25:15 UTC
Yes, I think you did talk about it in chapter 7. But that’s when stories get incredibly interesting, that fine line between the two. I ready admire any writer that can pull it off and interlink the two.

I guess my English teacher over-used it a lot, especially when we were writing our creative pieces, for our final grade. I didn’t paid attention and so wrote about a female businesswoman and her husband having an affair and manipulating her out of money. I’m sure I have copy somewhere… I do think however that’s what my teacher was getting at when he used those words; think about personal experiences and ‘whack a spin on it’ I think were his exact words. I agree with you though, writing is about escaping and giving you the chance to write/think about things you wouldn’t have normally. Realism is one of those subjective words though, what’s possible to someone, may not be possible to someone else.

Again, you’ve just made me wish I’d studied English instead of Sciences. Do you think they’d mind if I were to just sneak into an English creative writing lecture every now and again? Haha.

Sorry! It’s a wonderful song though. *cough* It’s about Jack. *cough* haha. Well the dictionary says;

day·dream (noun)
1. dream experienced while awake
2. unrealizable hope or fantasy

So I guess yeah, hypothetical situations would fit better than memories. I guess I just use the term too loosely. Plenty of times I’ve classed reminiscing as daydreaming…

“It kind of kills my flower buzz.” Haha, even if that wasn’t meant to be a pun; I laughed.

Haha, that would be pretty funny to see. It would be like having an allergy to grass… You couldn’t go anywhere.


live_by_lyrics May 31 2011, 18:00:00 UTC
A female businesswoman getting cheated on? Ahhh that's quite the spin the old male businessman cheating with secretary cliche isn't it? I'd love it read that :) But yes, realism is subjective. But then again, 'truth is stranger than fiction?'

Ahaha, I'm sure they wouldn't ;) I've never taken a creative writing class myself, I study literature, and I was naive in my senior year of high school and took chemistry instead :\

lmao. oh God. that actually kills me everytime I see on on my dash.

Mm, that's what I thought! ahaha, but really words only have the meaning we attach to them, so it's okay, refer to it as you please.

ahaha, I'm just "sooo punny". XD

Allergy. I never read that term in a sexual context before I started reading things on ATB. I always have heard/seen it in the medical context with antigens and antibodies. ahaha. That and the term 'sat' instead of 'sitting.' I assumed it was bad grammar or something ...ahha.


therapyrequired May 31 2011, 22:53:47 UTC
Haha, it is. I never intended it to be that way though. From what I remember it was loosely based on a short BBC Drama called Secret Smile. I'm pretty sure I don't have a soft copy, but I can probably dig out a hard copy and scan it in for you to read. It is awful though.The ending is ridiculous, it's just cut short. Euh!

Ah I know that naive feeling, haha.

There are many things that ATB has opened my eyes too. For example I can no longer take the word shampoo seriously, nor can I wash my hair without ending up giggling to myself. (Yes, thats my maturity level)

I think it depends on the context of the word 'sat'... chances are it's just bad grammar.


live_by_lyrics June 2 2011, 16:55:52 UTC
I'm sure you're belittling yourself. But if it's not too much trouble, I'd love to see a copy :)

ahaha,shampoo. ohh dear.


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