Feb 10, 2007 19:32
Let us go through the day in chronological order, shall we?
Phone call.
Four AM.
My mother crashed into a ditch,
and walked for a half an hour to a friends house,
which was where she was calling from.
Great way to start, eh?
woke up Alan,
he went and got her.
she wouldn't wake up to judge Forensics.
(or even to give me money for food)
So Alan took me to the HS and gave me five bucks.
I guess he isn't so much a douche as once thought.
LONG bus ride to Birch Run.
Fell asleep.
Woke up as we pulled into town.
(I have only been working on my piece since Wednesday)
I ended up getting seventh place,
and for those of you that don't understand forensics,
that means I was one off from getting a trophy. =(
Oh, well.
I'm surprised I even did that well.
Bus ride home,
slow as HELL.
Semi trucks were passing us.
Stopped at a Burger King,
and four of us walked to McDonalds.
Mason City Central was there.
And we had a rude-ass cashier dude.
Now I'm home.
Over all,
I enjoyed today.
Oh, we didn't end up going to Amber's,
as you can probably tell.
Friday I have two solos, two trios, and two large groups
that I have to sing in at Roscommon Middle School
for MSVMA Solo & Ensemble.
My solos have to be memorized.
Plus, I need to come up with a new, longer intro
to perform this upcoming Saturday.
Which, oh, by the way, we're hosting.
I'm so nervous.