Alex, Shut The Fuck Up And Blow Me [one shot]

Dec 14, 2012 22:48

Title: Alex, Shut The Fuck Up And Blow Me.
Author: Emily live_as_kings
Pairing: Flykarth
Rating: NC-17 (yes its smut what are you going to do im not sorry i love smut its gorgeous)
Summary: Matt is pretty damn sure Alex's mouth can be used for more than talking.
Disclaimer: I own no one (oh damn it) despite the fact I really wish I did. Don't make me even more sad than I already am.

Mood: horny
Music: Pour Some Sugar On Me - The Maine
Alex fuckin' Gaskarth didn't know when to shut his damned mouth. He really didn't. Matt realised that when he first met him and tried to get away from him but failed because fucking Alex didn't notice Matt struggling to get out of his drunken arms.

That was the first time they kissed. And the first time they fucked. And the first time Matt knew Alex's mouth could be doing something better than talking non-stop.


The second time it happened was at Alex's 20th birthday and Lisa was in the lounge crying angrily in her girlfriend's arms after an argument with Alex. Matt didn't really understand what was going on until Lisa slapped Alex and screamed in his face and Alex called her a stuck up bitch, which then prompted Alex to drag Matt out of the room - Matt, not Jack, Matt, the idiot who had a weird obsession with Mickey Mouse - into the next room and ranted in his face because no one else would bother to listen to Alex's shit. Matt knew Alex liked to talk and talk until he had nothing left to say and then talk about nothing, all because he couldn't handle the silence.

Matt got fed up though, he always did. Everyone did eventually. But Alex still wouldn't shut up even after Matt slapped him round the head, so he did the next best thing: he kissed Alex as quickly and viciously as he could.

The next morning Matt woke up with hickeys all over his neck and chest and he definitely saw Alex limping into the kitchen wearing only his boxers and Matt's Mickey Mouse t-shirt.


Nothing happened for a few more years except for maybe a few 7 Minutes In Heaven here and there, a few sneaky make out sessions behind the stage before Alex had to go on stage and Matt losing all sense of time, maybe even some hand jobs in between interviews, but neither of them talked about Alex's 20th birthday party. They certainly didn't talk about how they wanked nearly every night as they tried to remember every detail and moan that happened.

They did, however, talk about how Alex's bandmates seemed to give them dirty looks and make obscene gestures (especially Jack) when all they would talk about was set times and how their day was going. It was too innocent, too cautious, too wary. Too much of everything angelic. It was horrible and Matt was stuck with Alex on a car drive to Jack's mum's birthday dinner.

Fucking fabulous.

" - and she kept grinding up on me and I just wanted to dance, ya know what I mean, man? I couldn't handle all that ass so I pushed her away but she pushed out her bottom lip and tits - well, you know, I've got a thing for the tits -" mhmm, you've also got a thing for my dick, Gaskarth, "so I let her take me home and, oh fuck, you'll never guess what, Matt! There was this big ass black man waiting at home for her and he was all like 'You got a white boy with you, Charlotte baby?' and shit, dude, you know you can't beat a black man. Once you go black, you never go back!" and Alex cracks up laughing and curls over his stomach like he's funny or something. Except he's not, he's annoying as fuck. And loud. "Hey, Matt, hey, you aren't laughing? Come on, man, you gotta admit that's funny! I didn't even get laid!"

And Matt's gritting his teeth because oh, really? Well Matt hasn't fucked anyone - or been fucked - since him and Kendra broke up because of Alex and Alex Alex Alex and his fucking teasing which he probably doesn't even realise he's doing but he is and it's driving him insane!

"Alex, shut the fuck up and blow me." Matt snaps and takes one hand off the wheel to start undoing the zip on his jeans.

Alex shuts up. He doesn't start blowing him though. His mouth is hung wide open.

"Good, now put your fuckin' mouth down on my dick and blow me." Matt growls, keeping his eyes on the road, sneaking glances every now and then at Alex to check if he was still breathing.

"What?" Alex finally manages to breathe out, just barely, and Matt strains to hear him, but he does and Matt grins because he knows that Alex is going to give him a blowjob even if he looks like a scared goldfish.

Matt looks at Alex straight in the eye and says firmly: "Give. Me. A. Blowjob."

Matt's hips jerk forward when Alex's mouth closes over his cock and take down without choking or a moment's hesitation, bobbing his head quickly and sucking way, way too hard for Matt to last long. Matt's hand that isn't holding on to the steering wheel grips Alex's hair tightly and pushes down on his head so that his nose is touching Matt's thigh and his throat is constricting around Matt's cock.

"Fuck, Alex, more," Matt whispers harshly and bucks his hips up sharply just as Alex manages to pull away from Matt's grip and starts coughing and glaring at Matt.

"Fuck y -" he can't even finish his sentence because he coughs again and his voice is completely wrecked. Matt pulls the car up by the side of the road, he thanks the heavens that no one's around otherwise they would have been caught before, and he takes Alex's face in his hands and pulls his lips to his. It wasn't a romantic kiss or sweet in any way, it was rough and lustful and Matt just wanted to get off and get back on the road otherwise Jack would make those weird hand gestures that Matt wasn't even sure were actually hand gestures but they still looked absolutely disgusting.

The biting kiss ended and Alex looked porn star worthy with his swollen red lips, dilated pupils and glazed eyes, flushed cheeks and sex hair (mind you, his hair always looked like sex hair, but now it was Matt's hand running through Alex's hair and he could look at it during the dinner and know that Alex would be thinking of him and the car journey). Alex groaned and dipped his head back down to Matt's cock and wrapped his lips around the head, tongue lapping at the pre-cum on the slit, hand wrapped around the base and moving ever so slightly just to tease and Matt bites down on his lip ring so he doesn't give Alex the satisfaction of moaning his name.

"Hurry up or we'll be late!"

Alex pops his head up with a little grin. "Even when you're getting head you worry about time keeping. Obviously someone's got to loosen you up, Mickey.." and Alex takes him full in his mouth, head bobbing faster and faster, taking him in deeper than he thought was actually possible and it made Matt wonder for a second how many men Alex had been with this way in his life. Alex's teeth lightly scraping on his head jerked him out of that thought and before Matt knew it, he was coming hard down Alex's throat, hips thrusting up with no coordination, Matt moaning Alex's name without a care before he slumped back down on his seat and gasping for breath.

"Matt," Alex moaned and Matt opened his eyes just in time to see Alex get himself off and collapse back on to the passengers seat with a small smile on his lips.



"We have ten minutes to get to Jack's place."

AN: holy shit i didnt expect that wow erm well im kind of proud of this but its rushed at the end bc my laptops about to run out of charge and i need to upload it before it turns off yay speed typing i think i did well tho so?? tell me i guess

one shot, all time low, matt flyzik, flykarth, stand alone, alex gaskarth

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