Dec 05, 2004 23:15
.... I feel as if something bad will happen this week, I feel extremely bad. I have felt bad all weekend in a depression blah state of mood. When I went to visit Eric this weekend Saturaday night before the accident he kept asking me "What was wrong?" I blamed it on I'm tired don't feel good, and would go home early. I was alittle tired although mostly depressed that night after we put up the tree I kinda poped up but... Now that its sunday night and I'm not running myself to the bone I'm depressed again. I know Eric and all of his friends are going to be having a very hard week this week and I've realized life is to short to hate anyone even (Madison Summers) So I wont... I hope she is even doing ok, honestly I'm truely sorry what happen to everyone this weekend. So I don't know what is wrong but I'm not ok in the head as far as I'm concerned I think I'll start taking my stomach medication again I think I'm going to need it again. I know Eric is worried about his friends and his mother is on his back all the time, but something is wrong and I don't know how to explain it. It truely is a bad start to a long week.
Comment this hopefully you don't think I'm Insane...