Think before you speak is our quote for the day...

Nov 20, 2004 23:21

I'm putting this in here just to piss you off and that I will remember this for always lol. Well last night was a good night Eric, I, my friends and his all went to the late movies and well just had fun friday night. Then Sat. Night comes along Erics ex-girlfriend calls at the wrong time might I add then Eric was trying to get my attention to come and roll over and lay down And instead of saying "come here Holly" he says "come here Madison" Oh, if that wont piss you off nothing will, Honestly it just made me want to cry bc honestly I thought I was more than madison ever was to eric but I guess I got that throw into my face, I hope this make him feel like shit Bc I can do that for another week and If I don't update this for a while then he will always remember it lol Neways I guess I will talk to you later on, sorry thats not how I wanted my night to go, I thought I was going to get more indept on a paticular subject but you never brought it up, so maybe some other time. I can't wait to tell johnny what you did although all he will do it laugh then somehow piss me off by giving you the upper hand in this we in all realty he knows what you did was wrong. Guess I just have to wait and see how it unfolds. Neways see ya
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