A horrible day you may not want any of my luck to stay away or don't come to close or you may get it

Nov 08, 2004 18:24

Well lets just start out with I HATED everything about today, or Thrusday! You'll understand and if not your a freak! First, I went to work at 3:30 and around 4:40 my boss tells me that she needs to speak to me when I'm done filing, I say ok well when I talk to her she tells me that she is friends with a lady a JHS and this lady knows a girl that rele needs a job, and my boss has been friends with this lady for a long time and she just has to do this, well this girl will be able to start around 1:35 and thats what they need right now so my life bit the dust with that damn job(and that sucks BIG balls) I loved that job!! I thought well not anymore! Then we've been doing this stupid picture thing at school and I had to take the disc to Kinkos to get the pictures off the disc and when I got there I couldn't find all the pictures to we had to give money back to people, and our fundraiser bit the dust, nobody liked it. Then I went to erics because I needed comfort and when I got over then my cars started over heating and so his dad put water in it he said the thremaist was going out, so thats great why not with the way my damn day has been going (I need a new Car), then me and eric layed on his bed and we started talking about my horrible day and watching the first little part before the commercial of the OC then eric was going to go to johnny's and I said that I would just take him over there ( because its a guy thing to watch that together) (whatever) So I pulled out and it sounded like I was running over rocks, or at least thats what eric said and I was like ok so when I pulled it sounded like I was still running over rocks and there was not any rocks there to run over, so we got out to see what was up and sure enough why not a flat tire, why not finish my perfectly horrible day! Well erics dad had to come home and help fix the flat. Well eric and I had locked the doors right before we had left so we had no way into the house so he could finish watching the OC and well just so we could be warm, no we had no way into the house. So I froze and he missed his show. Well then his dad got there and we fixed it by putting the donut on, and I was on my way home and called my mom to tell her what had happen and she was like well why didn't you just have clifford take you to walmart and get that one fixed, I said mom I didn't know I had that then she had the nerve to say well go to walmart now and get it fixed it was 8:00 and I still had to get home and do my freaking homework. I said mom if I have to go to walmart and wait for them to fix the piece of crap I'm going to flat out cry again tonight for the hundreth time! She said well just come home and your dad will do it tommorrow, I was happy/glad/ok I was well I rele didn't care as long as I didn't have to do it... Then on the way home while I was driving like 40 mph there ran a black cat out in front of me stoped looked and ran off, I called eric on my cell and told him and he said well why didn't you just run over it? I said I don't know Jessica benton asked if I put a (X) across my window I said no! I don't know. Well then Friday I woke up LATE well it was 7:40 when I was leaving and the donut on my car had gone flat so then I called my dad and he was like ok give me 15 min. and I'll be there and you can take my truck so when he finally got there I had 10 min to make it to school so I got to school late and when I finally made it there I shut my hand in my locker. OCHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well Pray that my day's get better if not I will KILL myself or pay someone to do it for me.... PRAY I LOVE YA ALL!
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