My Very First Sunburn

Jun 22, 2007 00:19

As the subject title says I got my very first sunburn last weekend and it was an interesting experience. At first I thought it was an allergic reaction to something I ate, but then the girls I was with noticed that my skin looked flushed. So for the better part of the night I sat with ice packs on my skin to try and cool myself down.

Now it's even more uncomfortable because my skin is peeling everywhere. I can't wear any good clothes because no matter how much lotion I apply; my skin gets dry again and I start peeling again. Not fun since my skin is naturally dry.

But as I say "C'est la vie."

What's funny is that everyone is surprised because they didn't think I could get a sunburn...well I guess I can. Now I know not to lie in the sun for two hours with more protection than a thin layer of sun screen.
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