Valentine's Day rant

Feb 13, 2007 22:54

UGH!!! Valentine's Day is here once again. Yeah I sound bitchy at the moment, but who cares. Valentine's Day is just another excuse for people to appeal and satisfy the commercial world. It's just a crutch. Sometimes I have to wonder if Valentine's Day is more hype than anything else. Sure you get the person you care about the most an expensive gift, because you know as soon as Valentine's Day rolls around prices are higher than a teenager on crack, (Yeah bad joke so sue me.) but in the end what is the significance? That on this one day of the year I am obligated to buy you a gift because if not I'm a cheap bastard and don't care about your feelings. You could just as well buy any old gift any old day and it would still mean the same thing. What makes Valentine's Day so special? What I am trying to get at is if you are going to do something don't do it because it's Valentine's Day. Don't make it your excuse or your crutch. Do it because you really care about the person. Screw the hearts, roses, fancy chocolate and giant teddy bears and be practical.

That's my piece on Valentine's Day. It could have been worse...I was going to bitch about how Valentine's Day sucked and everyone with a boy/girlfriend could kiss my ass, but I decided to be nice. ^.^ Just joking. I have nothing against the holiday per say besides the fact that people use/abuse it. I generally don't give a flying fuck, but I was bored as well. Take it how you want it, it's my opinion and im sticking with it.
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