Nov 16, 2004 17:44
today was so hilarious..corey gentry and like 5 other guys almost got in a fight if they did i bet they beat coreys a**!! lOl ummm i sat by myself on the bus 2day and trent and alvin wouldnt shut up so now were gna have assigned seats..weve never had assigned seats b4 and our bus was silent today we couldnt talk but lukly it was right b4 i got off the bus so i talked most of them time but i think my bus driver was pmsing cause she was like yellin 4 no reason and she almost got the bus hit b/c she wasnt lookin at the road and she was 2 busy lookin at alvin and trent and yellin at them! but hopfully i wont get put in a seat with ashleigh odazier or nick perrry but the rest of the people on my bus are pretty kool!
and my teeth hurt really bad cause i got my braces tightened and i couldnt go to sleep last night and i had to get up like 30 minutes earlier than i usually do and then they tightened my braces but the good thing is i get my braces off in 4 months if i wear my rubber bands (which im gna try really hard to do) but right now i cant eat anything cause it feels like i just go t my braces back on from where they tightened them .. well then i came home and did my homework and my dad came home and i came to my room and layed down and watched tv and 4 some reason he thinks its such a big deal 4 me to sleep when i get home but w/e and my teeth hurt sooo bad and so did my head so i layed down and tryed to take a lil nap but NO my dad comes in here all inisent sounding then goes amber amber (inisent sounding) then get right in my face and goes WAKE UP!!!! GET UP YOU DONT NEED 2 BE SLEEPING!! i was like omg shut up i was about to say shut the fu** up but ya know i would have got grounded and that would suck! but now my head hurts worse and i took some medicine but its not workin and my mom just brought home chinese but can i eat it NO cause my teeth hurt and i cant eat!! grr
and zach davis asked mary arvin out 2day! i really dont like her she keeps sayin that jordin is cheatin on jake and shes only goin out with him to prove she can get what she wants im like omg shut the fu** up!! but she says she cant say no to zach but she can so shes gna say yes to him even though she dont like him ( or atleast thats what ppl are tellin me) but n e wayz im gna go take some more medicine cause my teeth hurt really bad
i <3 sum1