Jul 02, 2009 22:38
I am currently in Aruba. Today was fun; it was my first day on the island, and out of the country.
This little hotel is GREAT. I like it, it's small but beautiful.
I learned about a language today, and it's one of the main languages here. Weird.
I met a stray dog, and she was so sweet. She had NIPPLES. I call her Nipskie. I wonder if she has pups hanging around somewhere.
Not many shells here, sadly. Lotsa coral and sand, though.
Uh, lots happened today, and I can't remember most of it at the moment, so I'll give you guys pictures when I come back or whenever. <3
Also, there is a woman here, we call her "Leather Lady" behind her back. You will see why, if I ever get a picture of her.
I also got an anime/manga-hater really interested in FMA, and he's reading it and really liking it! I WIN! >D
stray dog,