Don't stop calling, you're the reason I love losing sleep

Feb 09, 2009 09:56

So I just made the most lesbian supervillan. I think I rock.

Made in the likeness of my evil, bulldyke, 9th grade math teacher:

TADAH!! The Evil Cow!

(I still think a golf club would have been a better weapon.)
 Anyway, this weekend I saw Paul Blart Mall Cop. It was okay, pretty funny, but I wouldn't urge anyone to see it. If you were going, I wouldn't stop you though.

Uh, Saturday night it was so cold and all sleeping surfaces had been occupied, so I climbed into Connor's bed, with him. It was so cute, I climbed in and cuddled next to him and he rolled over and cuddled back in his sleep. x3 <3 What was even more cute is he stayed in the bed with me until I woke up, just enjoying me being there. THEN later that day, nearing bedtime he was like, "So, uhm, where do you think you'll sleep tonight?"
Me: "On the couch, everyone left anyway, so there's places to sleep. Why? Do you want to cuddle me again?"
Connor, (shyly): "Well... if you want to..."
Me: -dies of b'aww- "Okay, you go sleep in your bed and if I remember, I'll wake you up and we can fall asleep on the couch."
Connor: :DD! "Thank you!!" -kisses my cheek and runs off to bed-
Me: -dies of more adorables-

Then 2:30AM rolled around, when I finally went to bed, I woke him up, brought him to the couch and cuddled up with him pulled into my chest. He was like, "Love you, night!" and gave me a kiss before falling asleep. <3333 Little brothers can be so adorable sometimes. Anyway, after I felt him fall asleep, signaled by the twitches of random body parts and grinding of teeth, I kissed his forehead again and prayed over him and my other brothers for their safety, wellbeing, behavior and my leadership to them.
I woke up this morning, got off of the couch, gave him a kiss on the forehead, told him I loved him and got ready for school.

I feel very happy right now, even if I have a crick in my neck from sharing the couch.(Seriously, it was pretty uncomfortable, and his breath kinda smells. :/ )

To all my brothers who will never read this: 
            I love you no matter what, even if I don't pay much attention to you, even if I annoy or are annoyed by you, even if I'm short with, or mean to you, I still love you so much. Please never forget this, and realize that you don't need the acceptance of friends and such, you don't need to be 'cool,' you don't need to stand out of the crowd with your acts because we already accept you. You have so many special, amazing things about you that make me proud to be your big sister. I love you, Mom loves you, and even Dad loves you too, no matter how much he gets on our nerves, and we accept you for you, and love you for it.

To JC,
You're an amazing, beautiful young boy who has so much potential to be something terrific, something beautiful. I constantly worry that the peer pressure around you and the bullying you endure from those close to you will change you into something you do not want to be. I love you so much, I get so happy when you draw funny little pictures for me and leave them in places for me to find, I love it when you come up and give me a hug for no reason, I love how sweet you can be to me when I am even a little sweet to you. I love you so much and hope that you don't follow the path that I fear you may take.

To JD,
I feel the most alike to you. I see so much of me in you, and it helps me relate to what you go through. Because of this, I feel so much empathy for you when you're upset and such. You are such a wonderful, sensitive, caring boy and I hate when people take advantage of that. I want you to know that those who say hurtful things about your or your beliefs are wrong. I believe you are an intelligent young man who will make it in whatever he does, so long as you stay positive and keep your goals. Though I don't believe much in your solar panel idea, I still think if you keep it up, you'll come up with something even more ingenious, so don't get discouraged! You're nothing of what Jeremy tells you you are, truth is that he's insecure and wants to take it out on everyone. His opinion is invalid, and none of it is true. You are not retarded, you are not gay, you are not an idiot or anything of the like. You are everything you want to be.

To JT,
I know you're going through a lot of stuff right now that I do not care for in the least, I still think you're a great kid at heart, and I really wish you'd realize that Dad does love you, and that I love you. You don't need to look for acceptance beyond your family and your real friends. The ones who accept you no matter how funny or outrageous your antics are. I love you, and so do our parents. Never forget that.

Wow, that was sappy. Hmm, maybe I'll give them each that blurb when I go off to college.

adorable, the evil cow, lesbians, good day, brothers, superhero

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