Meme, lol.

Nov 07, 2008 15:27

I usually do the ones Raj does. Iunno why. She picks cool ones, I guess.

1) What did you realize today?
That shaking my bum in public is both fun and supremely embarrassing.

Boom! Shake it out, shake it out~

2) Hold hands with anyone today?

3) What were you doing at 7:45AM this morning?
Being in class, waiting to get on the bus for the field trip.

4) Will you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Depends on if I screw up again or not.

5) What will you be doing tomorrow?
A College visit, I think.

6) Have you ever been to a strip club?
I haven't even been to a club!

7) What is the best ice cream flavour?
Don't make me choose. But I do like Mint Chocolate Chip. :3

8) What was the last thing you cried about?
...I don't remember. But I did get a little misty when watching Patch Adams the other day.

9) What are you wearing right now?
My mother's jeans, which are just too wide, and much too long; A big, red, Acquire the Fire '98 shirt; socks with holes in them; clean underwear, (I hope,) ; and a retarded coat I've been wearing for the past week or two.

10) What was the last thing you ate?
A cookie. It was very dry, but still yummy. :3

11) Who is the last person to send you a comment on myspace?
Some girl, Brandy.

12) Do you take vitamins daily?
I do take pills, but not vitamins. :P

13) Do you have a tan?
Yep. I got BUUUURNED this summer.

14) Day been rough?
No, not really. Wasn't AMAZING though.

15) Do you use chapstick?

16) Last song listened to?
I'm listening to Requiem Aeternam right now. >_>

17) Are you jealous of anyone right now?
Maybe a little...

18) Do you love anyone?
I love a lot of people. However, I am not in love with anyone.

19) How do you feel about tattoos and piercings?
For the most part, ew. But every now and then they are cool.

20) Would you date someone who smokes?

21) Have you ever dated someone more than once?
Oh yeah. xD Well, it was only official like, twice, but we acted like it many many times.

22) What’s the most important thing/s in a relationship?
Love. Not just the "Ooh, I love youu~" love, but the biblical kind of love.
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves."-- 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
You have all of that in your relationship, and it still doesn't work out, something's wrong.

23) Do you like someone at the moment?
Yeah, but yet again, he's freakin' 20 or 21. What is it about that age for me?

24) Do you have friends you can tell stuff to and you're sure they won't tell?
Yep. But only like, one or two of them I'd tell almost anything. Of course, they're internet friends. I wouldn't trust someone in real life with EVERYTHING. It's too risky, things happen.

25) Do you miss your past?
I can't remember a lot of it, but the good times, of course.

26) Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
I do believe so. I may have even broken two. The worst part was, the first one was me being a dumbass jerk to a kid who you knew had something wrong with him, even if you didn't know what. Six years later, I still feel horrible and wish to apologize profusely.

Hell, I can think of three that were likely to have been broken. God only knows how many I don't know about.

27) Honestly, has anyone ever seen you in your underwear?
Aside from mom, or maybe the friend that you change in front of, yes, one.

28) Is there someone you want, but can't have?
For fun, Roy and/or Havoc, and two guys who shall remain unnamed.
For serious, possibly one of those two guys.

29) Who is in your house right now?
Mom, Bill, and all three brats.

30) Do you know anyone who has messed up your life?
Me. :/ Also, Satan. XD

31)Are you happy?
At the moment, eh, but in general, I'm fairly neutral.

32) Who will you be sleeping with tonight?
The cold air and the mattress.

33) Do you like to cuddle?
Oh hell yes.

34) Who was the last person you hugged?
Probably AJ

35) Do you think relationships are ever really worth it?
At this age, nah. But when you're old enough to get married, and having relationships for that purpose, yes.

36) Would you go in public looking like you do right now?
Sure. -shrugs-

37) Did you like anyone last summer?
Did I? -thinks- Ah yes, I did. -counts- One, two...three, maybe?

38) Could you cry right now?
If someone punched me in the teeth.

39) Honestly, if you could go back 5 months and change something would you?
Yep. I wouldn't screw up, or I'd kick myself in the ass and tell myself to get moving on that damn Biotech paper.

40) Did anyone see you kiss that last person you kissed?
No. We were in his car.

41) How’s your heart lately?
Beating at 59 bpm, oddly enough. o.O -just checked for the sake of this question-

42) What was the last thing you bought?
A bracelet thing to support the Make-A-Wish foundation.

43) What's something you really want right now, be honest?
You. ;D

44) Do you want to cut your hair?

45) Who did you spend most of your time with this summer?
Probably Brian, my mentor.


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