Already?! whut? in two days?! No wai.
Alright, get yer handkerchiefs out, yer in for a ride. >D jk, it isn't that great.
My email:
Dear Vic,
I, as many people are, am a fan of yours, and have been since I first saw a video on youtube with you in it. I actually remember when I first watched that video, thinking, "Wow, I'd be willing to bet that guy is a Christian." The funny thing is that you were only telling a story of something that had happened to you at a con, it wasn't like you had said anything that one could infer such a thing from. I kept watching videos from cons with you in them, and couldn't shake the feeling. I explained to someone one day that it just seemed like you radiated God's love and kindness all the time! I kept on watching videos, hoping that I'd find one that sealed the deal, and I finally did. Needless to say, I was pretty proud of myself, but moreso excited that you actually were a Christian. I am glad that with your popularity, you are able to shine with God's love and I'm sure that you are touching the lives of your fans. You are in such a great position to minister to these people, and instead of hiding your faith, you let it be well known! And what I love the most, is that you aren't the Christian stereotype. You don't beat people over the head with a Bible, you don't tell them that they are going to hell, you don't act stuck up and "holier than thou." It really is an inspiration to me. I actually want to be the kind of Christian that you are. I go to school almost every day with a hat that says "Super Jesus" or my sweatshirt that says "God is Good," and have so far acquired a few nicknames. They really aren't bad though, they just remind me that this is who people see me as, now how can I lift up the image and erase the stereotype? I really want to get to the point where people look at me, and are able to tell that there is something different about me, the same thing I saw in you. I see the way you treat your rabid, squeeing fangirls with such kindness and patience, and although I can say with great confidence that I don't have any of those, it reminds me to be kind and patient to those who might be a little obnoxious, like my brothers or that "weird kid at school," or even the freshmen.
Oh, I just finished watching a video of you opening birthday presents, and I saw that the "OMG count" had reached 51, but what made my day was that you do the same thing as me, you say, "Oh my gosh," instead. I never hear anyone say that anymore, so it made me smile.
I know that you probably get hundreds of emails from fans telling you how great you are, and I pray sometimes that that never gets to your head, (I haven't really seen any signs so far, so keep it up!) I understand you probably can't get to every email, but I just want you to know that you are an inspiration to me, and that I thank you and keep you in my prayers.
Remember, you are a person of great influence, and that God has a purpose for you.
In His name,
Vic's reply:
hi Joan,
WOW. Thank you so much for that amazingly kind and encouraging email. I am so grateful to God for the privilege to do what I do, and my greatest joy is sharing His love with those who enjoy my work.
Please pray that I can continue to have opportunities to encourage others to God. I'll look forward to seeing you at an anime convention someday soon!
God bless you!
My reply:
Dear Vic,
Hehe, no problem. I remember being prophesied over several times as a child, and all of them came back with the same thing, that "I would affect many nations." Seeing your love for him and everything inspires me to be like you! Show everyone around me his love. Just keep it up, God needs warriors like you.
I really do hope to meet you some day. Then I can confirm all those rumors about you being so cool and sweet. But what really makes your reply awesome, is that it happened on my birthday. Good timing, Vic!
God Bless,
Yeah, okay, I'm a little fangirlish right now, shut up.