The past few days:

Jun 23, 2008 18:07

NOTE: I know this entry is kinda long, but if you aren't gonna read the whole thing, at least read the second half of Sunday.

Obtained a driver'slicense. Freakin' yay.  
Drove for the first time alone, and realized that it is kinda fun.

Did Abso-freaking-lutely nothing. Except for running an errand or two. 
Attempted to fall asleep.
Couldn't, because of someone on my mind.

Missed church.
Took Jeremy and Jordan to their camps. 
Figured out for the second year in a row that this camp is in the middle of nowhere, and found myself lost for an entire hour. 
Learned that Mapquest lies. 
Drove around a very confusing and highly hilly area for over an hour, lost in POURING rain with a chance of BASEBALL SIZED HAIL. 
Prayed that the Emergency Broadcast System was just pulling a prank.
Learned that following the car ahead of you is not always the best way to find your destination in the middle of nowhere.
Got to see a soaking wet Victor when dropping off Jordan. (What a coincedence that Victor would be working at the same camp my brother is at.)

Went to Youth Group.
Heard kick-butt sermon from my Youth Group leader. 
Stood in awe as the Church's lead pastor waltzed into the Youth Group and decided to tell us about the Healing ministry, and how powerful it was.
Watched about eight/nine legs grow right before my eyes with the power of prayer and healing from God. (There were about that many people in my youth group who had one leg shorter than the other... this sort of thing can really give you horrible back problems once you get older.)
Was amazed as I realized it wasn't just in the power of suggestion, as all eight/nine people who had their legs grow, felt a tingling sensation in the leg that grew. (By the way, they were uninformed as to which leg was the one that grew, and each person chose the right one each time.)
Watched as a girl's sprained knee went from unusable to able to jump around on.
Also watched as my other Youth Group leader, who was nearly mute due to his strep throat, be prayed over and then jump up and grab a mic just to start speaking perfectly into it, and begin thanking God for the healing.
Had my beliefs in God once again amazingly refreshed.
Came home and watched a horribly cliche movie.
Attempted to fall asleep.
Couldn't, because of someone on my mind.

Left dad's house, stopped off to see AJ, hung at his place with Connor for a while. 
EDIT: Saw a wild fox running around downtown. It almost looked emaciated from how skinny and slender it was.
Came home to a broken keyboard, therefore, a useless computer. 
Bill offered to grab a keyboard for me from his work, declined the generous offer, then found out that his coworker buys keyboards in excess due to anger issues... Had a good laugh, then accepted the offer.
Typed this post up.
Realized that a lot happened on Sunday.
Attempted to beat the final boss in Megaman.
Failed once more.

good day, god, youth group

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