(no subject)

May 04, 2003 00:36

we had the pleasure of an evening with Beck at the ambassador yesterday eve, for an awesomely simple but incredible performance.

such an intimate venue and such an impressive eclectic musical performance. solo and acoustic, and like a living room show

and afterwards derek's presence was requested at a 21st in town, so we all followed along. well we were going to see mark as well, he was centre to this crowd ... but all seemed quite pretentious. i was glad to finish off the night in the relaxed bruxelles surroundings

but today, or more accurately, tonight, i find myself flagging.
too much burning the late night oils and too much 9-5 (+sunday work) have me a little worn out. i think this is my first sat night in since christmas, need to put the batteries into recharge.
well my first saturday night in, back home anyway, my parents are giving me funny looks and wondering what's up. just need an early night and late morning
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