proper tv.....getting politcal.........check out

Jul 29, 2002 00:22

just watched some good and rare television (on tv3...excuse me)

an interview with some linguist/intellectual from the States. talking about well a lot of issued that aren't talked about. explaining how that if something is potentially damaging to the american government (he was only talking about the US gov but similarities everywhere) or its campaigns then the person in the street is never going to hear it. and coupled with all the propaganda shite the seems to successfully convince the world that the US is the home of free speach no body questions too much what they hear.

suppose everybody presumes this but its not easy to find out exactly what is uncoverd. the media successfully feed us with what they want us to hear and its seems virtually impossible to see behind this veil. so as much as we like to think that we enjoy freedom of speach with ribons tied, the similarities between the nations that we would deam as almost dictatorships and ourselves are closer than we'd like to think..........globalisation, iraq, the middle east, afghanistan....all seems the same....

so here's a shout out about american journalist Greg Pallast ( who incidently is working with the BBC because no US media company will give him a voice (he doesn't say what they want him to).....but this guy -maybe a little caught up in it all- but has writen some great stuff about Globalization (especially good) and the trouble in Venezuala ect ect....

the Venezuala stuff is crazy. he predicted all this trouble about The President being in danager of being overthrown by a US lead coup months before it all happen (oh his crime was rising the price of oil too much)......and then i was left dumbfounded as we saw it all unfold.

but check it're not going to read it in our daily newspaper for sure.....although come to think of it i did read about it in the Sunday article about the propaganda surrounding the Venezualean troubles.

that's me two cents makes you wonder how certain people end up in control of the "free" world
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