Waaaaay Past Due Update

Oct 18, 2007 15:35

So I know you all have been shocked to not find any entries from me, as have I. But I actually have a slight amount of free time as I type away, so I figured I'd let you know how Jenna is.

First and most importantly, I hit the 40 pound mark for my weight loss. Exciting isn't it? My goal was 50 before January so unless I just completely leave all the dieting and exercising I've done, I'm sure I will hit that. Huzzah.

School is a little rough this semester, mostly because I have upper divison classes that I now have to do a lot more work for than I'm used to in addition to the fact that I've been still trying to work 3 to 4 days a week. Though the past two days good grades have came back to me, so I'm pleasently suprised.

Auditions were yesterday and I have them again tonight for "Tuna Christmas" with my Texan accent. It was pretty rough yesterday. My professor literally came up to me and asked me what was going on. I started out doing fine and then when I saw the other actors auditioning and how good they were, I pretty much just gave up. So I'm going back tonight and I can hopefully stay in Jenna mode and do OK because I really want to be in this show. Dr. Dan was telling me to just do it. So HOPEFULLY I can.

Other than that, not to much has been going on. Work, school, Rosie photo shoots, improv, softball, bowling, and how about those Indians!

Another update soon,
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