Some Notes On Walker

Feb 11, 2008 16:10

The Dream Walker, or Walker for short, is a spirit who currently resides in the dreams of Olivia Bevens. He is not human and never has been. As old as dreams themselves, Walker came into existence with the first dreams man ever dreamt and since then has wandered from dream to dream, feeding off the emotions of the dreamer.

He named himself The Dream Walker, though he has had many other names over the eons he has existed. Similar to the Greek Oneiroi, Walker can change the dreams of whoever he happens to be walking in to give him the most emotional response. Like a physic vampire, he needs the emotions of dreams to exist. He does not think of himself as living as he can't exist outside of dreams. He has no real moral compass since he can't feel emotions himself. He will give a dreamer terrible nightmares if that is what will give him the most emotional response. He is also a fan of erotic dreams of either gender. It is all about what will cause the greatest response to Walker.

He can take any form he wishes in dreams, though he prefers to be a man or a wolf. He can be something as inconspicuous as a lamp on a desk to the focus of the dream. Lucid dreamers have the ability to spot Walker and converse with him, while passive dreamers will never be able to realize he is there unless Walker approaches them first. After a passive dreamer encounters Walker, he will give them the ability to lucid dream, or control their dreams to a certain extent, so that they can communicate with him. When the dreamer is awake, they have no way of contacting Walker since he cannot cross the bridge into the waking world.

However, those who strike a deal with Walker, as Olivia has done, lose control of their dreams. Walker is able to make the person dream about whatever he wishes and the dreamer can do nothing about it. A dreamer who hasn't struck a deal can force Walker out of their dreams if they are strong enough. These are the type of people Walker seeks out to make deals with for usually they have the strongest emotional response to dreams and can sustain Walker for years.

I feel like I need to clarify something here. When I say Walker can't feel emotions, that's not exactly true. Walker does not have the strong emotions humans have, but only ghost feelings of like or dislike. He has these emotions to tell him if what he is doing in a dream is giving him the most emotional response from the dreamer. While in dreams, he can also feel the emotions of the dreamer, which allows him to regulate what sort of response he wants and tells him how strong of a response he is getting. The only real thing Walker feels is hunger when his powers are draining and he needs to feed, everything else is just a passing emotion, barely registering on his mind.

If your character for Role Playing purposes, would like to have Walker visit them in a dream leave a message here and we can work something out. Walker is a product of my own imagination and if you'd like to create your own Dream Walker character, we can work out how that works because as of now, Walker is the only one of his kind. If you see Walker around SixWords, that means Olivia is asleep and he's using her to communicate.

role playing information, walker, mun notes

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