Aug 01, 2006 08:24
Found while strolling around on LJ...
1. Are you named after anyone? If so, explain.
No, I wasn't. Argh... wait a minute. Actually I was. My Dad thought Robin Hood's girlfriend's name was Mirjam instead of Marian. He'd always liked girls' names starting with an M and he liked the sound of that name in particular. It's not like he's a Robin-Hood-Fan or anything.
My Mom wanted to name me either Gwendolin or Eva-Lotte (names of the dolls she had as a child). Shame my Dad talked her out of it. I'd have such a good laugh in Buffy fandom with the name "Gwendolin Post"... I'd love that.
name: Mirjam
gender: female
origin: Hebrew
meaning: An older version of the name Mary. Biblical: the sister of Moses, who saved his life as a baby when she hid him in a basket among the rushes at the river's edge for the Pharoah's daughter to find. The name was revived in the 18th century.
German: "Gottesgeschenk", "fruchtbar sein", "die Widerspenstige", "mirjam" = widerspenstig, Name der Mutter Jesu (Symbol für reine und tiefe Liebe)
2. Do you have your children's names picked out already? If so, is there any significance?
I can't really see children in my future, but yes, I have picked out names. Most of them are girls' names though. One or two of them are fannish (Nikita & Darius) and some are not. I wouldn't want to give my kid a name of English or French origin, since most of the time they don't go well with German surnames. And I don't like names that are too common either.
name: Nikita
gender: female and male
origin: Greek, Russian
meaning: The boy's and girl's name Nikita is pronounced nih-KEE-tah. It is of Greek origin, and its meaning is "unconquered" ("unbesiegt", "unbesiegbar", "unüberwindlich"). From Aniketos. Also a nickname for Nicole, which is derived from Nike, the Greek goddess of victory. In Russia, also a male name.
name: Darius
gender: male
origin: Persian
meaning: The boy's name Darius is pronounced da-RYE-us, DARE-ee-us. It is of Medo-Persian and Greek origin, and its meaning is "he possesses; rich, kingly" ("Besitzer des Guten", "das Gute festhaltend", "Inhaber des Guten"). Possibly a royal title, like Caesar. Historical: Darius the Mede (fifth century BC) assumed the kingship of Babylon after its conquest by Cyrus. He was a renowned king also known as Darius the Great.
3. If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name have been?
Gunter, which is my brother's name now. My parents weren't sure about my name (they were thinking about Mirjam, Mareen, Ute, Helena, Marilyn, etc. etc.) but they were always sure about Gunter. If I'd been a boy I would have been named Gunter.
4. If you could re-name yourself what name would you pick and why?
Wohoa... I don't know. I probably wouldn't. As a child I used to hate my name, but by now I've gotten used to it. At least it's not all that common which is *something*, you know. I don't really like the sound of it and all, but those names I used to love when I was younger..? I hate them now. My taste has changed a lot over the years and it probably will continue to do so in the future. So no, I guess I'd rather stick with it.
5. Are there any mispronunciations/typos that people do w/ your name constantly?
Ha... haha. You've got to be kidding. Miriam is probably the most common typo... it's a mispronunciation, too, since Mi-ri-am has three syllables and my name, Mir-jam, has only got two.
But I've seen a lot of variations over the years... Mirijam (my own grandfather), Marjam (my own boyfriend at the time... no, not Chris, someone else) and Myriam are only three of them. In fact typos are so common, I don't even notice them anymore. And I sure as hell don't bother to correct them.
6. Any nicknames you are fond of?
Not really, but I've gotten used to "Miri" over the years. My Dad used to call me "Lise" when I was younger (don't ask) and I kinda liked it. It was his special name for me...
But no, Miri will do.