We'll GET Married, right, HyunJoong?

Aug 02, 2008 20:37

It's so hot right now. And the funny thing it's 8:30 PM and it's cloudy but I can't catch enough air.
I hope it's because rain is coming. I HOPE it is coming. But that it would rain like just for tomorrow. Because on Moday I have plans and ESPECIALLY, PLEASE, DON'T RAIN ON NEXT SATURDAY! I'M BEGGIN YOU!
My parents finally decided to see the sea. I've been there already few times this summer but they haven't so YAY finally some good sun for my skin *dances her special victory-butt dance*

Leaving that aside, I've just finished watching WGM Ep. 20 and OH MY GOD. If you've seen it, too, PLEASE, agree with me - ALEX AND SINAE ARE ONE KILLER COUPLE!! DD:

When the captain turned the music on and they started dancing on that yacht alone OH MY GOODNESS I was like 'Kyooooooooo~~~~' and then 'ALEX! SINAE!' LOL I got all crazy and spazzmatic XD

Of course, Crown J and In young were the mood makers (duuuh~_), Andy with Solbi were the cute ones while HwangBo and HyunJoong..ahh~ who cares, the FRESH BOY IS JUST TOO SIZZLING HOT LOL DID YOU SEE HOW HE GOT HIS SHIRT OFF?!!!! Well yeah, Alex helped him, which was weird BUT HELL, MARRY ME, HYUNJOONG?! AND Jiyong! We'll be like one killer family. Of course I'll be like Kevin Jonas from The Jonas Brothers, you know, the one, whose name is hard to remember? LOL I really never even KNEW his name since...Wednesday maybe. He's Kevin, right? It's still hard for me XD

So yeah. I ate my pizza an hour ago and now I'm hungry and don't have anything to eat. My parents went out to some anniversary party so yeah, I'll have to starve.
No, I'm not going make food hmph~

Anyway, have a great Saturday/Sunday!

life, spazz, we got married, hyun joong, shinae, alex

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