Under my umbrella...

Aug 01, 2008 19:45

I never knew that McDonald's was better than Burger King. Wow. Now that's a shocker.

And God, being my slow self, I heard Marie Digby's version of Umbrella few days ago and downloaded it just today. I love her version. If you haven't heard it, then you MUST go check it out:


Oh, and also today I watched subbed Big Bang's video on GoReal radio from like September of 2007. I know it's old but they were so cute and AMAZING I just had to watch it. Thanks to theREALiVIPSUBS for subbing it ^^

Also, I've been learning Korean. It was some intensive learning haha but at least I'm able to create a basic sentence, like, I'm going to school or something :D but my vocabulary is still so tiny -_- But, I believe I'll be able to learn it! The most important thing is to believe in yourself, yup~

So yeah, I guess I'ma go write my fic or something. My moodtheme still doesn't work. Fck it, it's too hot in here.

P.S. Today I end up loving Jiyong oppa even more <3

bong, randomness, marie digby, big bang, korean

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