Ok, honestly...I LOVE MY FRIENDS TO DEATH! I always was one of those people, that enjoy having few friends, but those few people are more than AMAZING!!
My birthday is on 17th, but because there's a possibility for me to be out somewhere, they decided to give me a surprise today! So ok, I was AMAZINGLY pissed after I had to meet them at 2PM, because that's the time when I usually wake up. But HO EM GEE...
I see two of my friends and their were like HAPPY BIRTHDAY or smth, honestly I didn't hear it haha. So they give me a present and it was all decorated with these (!!!):
And then for like 30 minutes I was just flipping the box around and looking at the boys, when I remembered, hey! there must be something inside, too! LOL
Then I SOMEHOW opened it and..
WHOLE BOX FULL OF COFFEE! The funny thing is that just the day before, I told myself I'll lower my coffeine doze per day. Yeah, I don't see that coming ANY time soon haha.
And LOOK! They've written all over the inside of the box!
See?! They're AWESOME! and do you see Lisa Simpson? And Marge is somewhere too AND Bart! LOL we just love THE SIMPSONS XD
And, I noticed this JUST when I got home:
Aww, Jiyong ah~ *O*
NO, coffee wasn't the real gift, haha.
I foraged around a little and YIPPY! Found a belt that once was trying on in a shop haha. So yeah, idk, i like it.^^
But srly, THE BOX was already enough haha. Even though I was feeling down lately, this totally made my day! I LOVE YOU GUYS~~ <333