
Jul 13, 2008 01:45

Drinking a strawberry milkshake wasn't THE BEST idea before going to bed, but because my dad made it...couldn't resist.

Today was pretty ok, I guess. I've been out WITH MY PARENTS (O_O) and bought a lot of stuff (YES!).
I guess the best thing was that I bought 2 books, because I just miss reading. And I'm curently reading one of them - PRINCESS IN TRAINING. HA! I'm such a child ^^

Then I was out with my friend. It was pretty much fun. Just when we went to a coffee shop, they didn't have any ice left, and it litteraly killed my dream of getting a frappe, because it was BURNING HOT OUTSIDE. And inside.

I met with few other friends. Just randomly, without planing, we talked a little. Idk, I still feel a bit down but I guess I'll go through it...someday.

Maybe because it's my birthday that's making me so down. I mean, normal people don't stress out that they haven't reached anything in their lifes when their 16th birthday is near, right? Well, but I do. I feel like crap. And every year, that birthday depression is getting harder. And then I suddenly hate myself for not doing anything. Ahh~ I better go to bed and read a lil more, to calm myself down.

Have a good night/day ^^

shopping, life, blah, reading, friends, frappe

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