I see that look in your eyes--I wanna touch you, babeh~ LOL

Jun 17, 2008 21:12

Tiring day. EXHAUSTING.

Today is my friend's birthday, so as always, everybody left it to me to do everything: buy gift, all other decorations, cake, etc.
WTF? I'm not some kinda party planner.

Anyways~ we (I and another friend) bought everything and made her a surprise party. Well, not a party, just...it was a surprise anyway.^^ So after that, we went downtown to drink something. Then my friend asked me to go with her to her school for some reason, but it was CLOSED.
There was a lot more tiring and stupid moments, but the point of this entry is that, that I LOVE MY DANCE TEACHER!!haha
Not like...lovelove...but just...love...as in I really respect him and enjoy being with him. And WTH he's my dance teacher.XD
But he's HOT, so yeah, why not, haha.

The other thing is that I fell in love with writing fics and NOT posting them anywhere, haha. As in, writing for myself, so I don't have to worry WILL THEY LIKE IT? I WONDER IF IT'S NOT TOO HARSH? etc. It feels so good!~

And keep on voting for Big Bang, guys. Cuz ELFs are going insane right now.O____O

fandom, dancing, vip, fan fic, friends, big bang, maa

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