Guangzhou. The man opposite me in the web den has the eyes they copy when they carve marble boddhisattvas. The woman beside him is delightedly saying into her microphone "I can hear you! I can hear you! Can you hear me?" From Chengdu
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Do people on the street in Chengdu and Yunnan speak Putonghua or that sing-songy Sichuan variety of Mandarin that I can't understand? In Shanghai I understand that Shanghainese is becoming embattled.
I really dug Chengdu when I was there, too. Laid-back city, awesome food, and apparently a growing underground music scene. I seriously thought about moving there when I moved back to China, but the pull of Beijing was too strong, and I'm a bit too much of a dialect snob.
Didn't realise anyone actually came from Louth :)
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