(no subject)

Jul 19, 2006 19:34

I finished it! WHOOP! Now I know all about the trials facing kids who leave China to study, and their parents, and I can get stuck into the novel. One thing: please will someone explain the term 'AA制'?

Later: Chinese Wiki says AA制是源於大中華地區的詞彙,意思是各人平均分擔所需費用,通常用於飲食聚會及旅遊等場合。AA制這個詞彙的起源尚未有確定查證,但可能是來自藥劑學的人士,因為英語“aa”或“ana”用於藥物處方的釋義可以為'各以等量', but I don't really get it, specially not that last bit. It's about splitting bills and fending for yourself, but why is it called 'the AA system'?
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