No, I'm not actually, but I'm thinking of the banner-waving youths at the Communist International singing "Debout, les damnés de la terre..." or "東方紅,太阳升" and so on, not the wizened old bureaucrats in suits we get today. They don't make 'em like they used to...
Impassioned youfs waving red flags would be romantic all right. I suppose a vast sea of them would kind of 超越 romance. Above all, anything that doesn't happen any more is romantic. Maybe in a thousand years someone will decode the above photo from a piece of magnetised metal he or she digs out of the rubble, and will think it's so romantic that a bepink-shirted envoy from the ancient American empire had his photo taken (photos - they were so romantic!) with two babes at the legendary convening-place of the mythical "common property contingent". Hmm.
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