Jun 07, 2004 19:41
bro tOday waSz suCh dramatiC day fO me` wit a goOd fwend of mine kelly....=[ and a stpid bitCh named alexa
well okay too dtart off skool waSz pretty str8 me and kelly aCcidentlly wen dreSz the same too skool it waSz cute but w.e umm...i qot a B in leadership teSt =I well umm afta that 3rd periOs waSz pretty str8 ...afta skoOl der was suppose to be a meetin fo the up cominq trainerSz and w.e i gueSz it gOt cancelled kuhh` w.e i didnt qo... well afta i figured out that that me and daylis werent going to the meetinq sum stupid ass bitCh alexa (a juniOr) came up too me and started bitCh at me and aSkin why i didnt lyk her and blah blah blah and everything was going in threw one ear and out the other` umm... my brOtha got in it wit sum dumb nigguh der that was instagatin the fight or w.e it was aCtually pretty stupid kuhh she talks big but she aint shyt so w.e and everyone that really trutly knowz me knowz that i would of been done sumthin but str8 up i wasnt lookin fo troubLe but sinCe im hazeL and hazeL iSz a bitCh and getSz bLamed fo EVERYTHING whiCh okay?!? soo w.e yea that happen and my brotha talk to her and told her str8 up wut was da deal wit me that i aint lyk ne freshmen that talk shyt and dont bak her shyt up ::aww i L my brother..but not now that hes bold lol :: and that if she wants to fight me that i will fight and not hold bak! um..w/e point bein if the bitCh waSz going to do sumthin she would of dont it aLready...kuhh i put my faCe infrOnt of her...but of courSe she taLkSz big but aint nothinq...w/e afta skool me jay jOShua miCkey and DayLiz came too my kribb and w.e and me joshua skammed and talked and junk and den my brotha got home and w.e dey left and afta that me and daylis wen to Mc D`z and w.e we talked and junk den waLked baCk home and taty and jeSzy came ova fo a litto but den wen to the park too meet wit one of jeSzy fwendz krvin or sumthin lyk that! uhh...w.e den D left and i fell aSLeep and den i talk to tryna bout stuff and den my popz called t go get him and we did that and den we went home and wen to get oscar to take him to nite skool and we did that and at the same tyme we were tryin to conneCt my brOthaz new fOne yay fo him lol the camera one metro tho. well w.e afta that i wen to o pay dayLisz fo the fone and she didnt answer her door w/e jenny called me and told me that she talked to joshua and he told her that he lykz me and if he knew who she was wit today and w.e and lyk that made my day until
...tragiC part of my day!!
well it so happens that on the way to dayLiSz krib kelly callz me but out of restriCted` [[ so i think sum one esle was in da line]]and w.e ummm she was cryin and she earlier was tellin me shyt der that was going on wit shorty and her and junk and it soo happenz that she had herd that me and shorty were talkin alot more den usual..and she had told me how she doesnt trust him wit sum grl lyk at the 15z praCtiCez that we go to kuhh she aint der and shyt too b lyk oo hez behaving and shyt soo she dont kno.... ookay i dunt wanna bore everyone wit my shyt but lyk w.e im cryin right kuhh ppl yoo can b soo FUCK`d up itSz nOt even funny kuhh man me and kelly were soo str8 and i hope we still are yoo kuhh man` ppl can really run lip lemme tell yu!umm she called and she told me hazek yu remember how i told you i dont trust him wit sum grl and i go yea and she goes well i dont trust him wit yu ::mind yu she was cryin::and i was lyk wdf` wut why yu kno ...kuhh i didnt kno were thiz iz all comin from....man!! and i told her loOk kelly i dOnt lyk shOrty at all honeStLy if i lyk ne 1 its joshua and i lyk him ALOT ALOT ALOT ALOT ALOT and i told her that man....that bro i dont wan her to cry ova him or me or n e thing kuhh she told me how she trust only certain ppl and i was one of dem and ppl bro were tellin her how we were talkin and shyt durin sum grl party at the praCtiCe of the 15z but yoo we were talkin bnout her bro no one esle and der fuCkin relashionship man NOTHING esle and i dont kno wut to do no more man i dont kno who to trust and lyk man too tell yu the truth i lyk roqer! i didnt lyk shorty...if i was talkin to him was to b wit fCukin roger kuhh i lyk`d roger but den again yu cant do nothin wit that kid kuhh jaCkie...and shes mah fwend and its lyk wdf yu get me soo its lyk i cant lyk n e one kuhh derz alwayz a problem and ppl alwayz runnin lip yoo man if i could do n e thing too change how dis shyt is happenin man! too bad i L kelly aSz a fwend i would neva do n e thing to betra her trust man or loSe the respeCt that she haSz toward me and the shyt i have towardz her....i have nOthin but mad love for her man! i juz dont kno wut too do...oo who to qo to man...itz juz yoo yu cant truzt n e one and i think imma start bein lyk that kuhh damm....i have my fwendz, i have my pplz and i have my famiLy and i think hOneStLy thats the onLy thing i have rite now ...my famiLy.... itz juz soo weird kuhh shes lyk yea i trust yu and i forgive yu and i mean i duno wut too tell yu kuhh man i didnt do ne thing wrong broo all we did was talk bout KELLY...kelly diz kelly dat ...brooo ahhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck broo and it was suCh a good day and now diz....... but broo thingz people can b soo evil man soo hurtful and mean ...omg damm...and im neva lyk diz either yoo but me and kelly itz juz to think of us not talkin man! =[ i think the beSt thing i couLd do iSz lyk nOt to talk to n e one kuhh she wont tell me who was aSzumin thingz...and thats another thing der were fCukin aSzumin shyt yoo dey didnt kno the truth and thats why she askd me and she was going to ask us 2mroe and lyk w.e i dunno yoo everything she was tellin me juz hurt man it really did but man o man..i dunt even kno wut too say ne more...God people deSz` daySz yoo ...
now im worried how thingz going to happen wit me and her over ppl aSzumin thingz man!...dam tearz tearz