(no subject)

May 12, 2005 17:18

Hey peopleeeeee! I haven't updated in a longg time =/. Sorry about that, i've been really busy and LJ was not on my mind =x. Here are my updates :

I woke up, went to school. Then after school I went to detention with Stephanie, Christy, Glennis & a wholee mess of people. When detention was over at 4:40 I came home & Steph & christy came over. We ate, Then went online & talked to people. & then me & steph started singing our asses off ;D. Lol, christy loved it. They left at about 7 or 7:30 & i just stayed online & was on the phone with christy.

Went to school. Had subs for 2 of my classes so it was awesome. I was gonna skip a period but i ended up not skipping & just going to class .. & turns out i had a sub so it wus fun as hell. I came home. Talked on the phone, got online & thats all ;D

I was getting ready to go to school. But my mom couldn't find her car keys & turns out my dad had taken them. So i got to school latee! & I also had a sub for a class. & i almost got in a fight with some bitch there that was looking at me hard but we just argued & shit but she pussied out cus " she didnt wanna get suspended ". Oh well. Anyways, it was fucking halarious. The girl couldn't defend herself so she tried to get a wholeee buncha people against me buht turns out they were all on my side so the bitch started crying. Haha .. stupid hoe. That was an interestiond day. [=

Went to school. I had almost all my classes with Yari today & we just watched movies in class so it was cool. No drama today ;]. Lol. I got home, Christy called .. & now im on the phone with her & talking to people online. Also trying to help Naty with her homework and finding something about a Minister for her ?! Yeah, im lost =D but i will try my best. Lol. Tomorrow i'm not going to school. Staying home. & then christy might come over after she gets outta school =].

Thats all the updating folks.
Love youu <3. Muah ;D
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