my spring break turned out to be great. i had so much fun with all my friends.. i love them :]
like i said before i didn't take any pictures but the ones i do have i stole from alda and other people. bwahaha ;]
- alda and nathy -
- alekz, nathy and me with my favorite chips -
- the fat-asses eating -
- alekz and vale -
- alda and alekz on the ride -
- all of us in the midgit mirror -
on tuesday i woke up and didn't do much during the day. at 4 i went to hollister for the job interview. either mari or beth was supposed to do the interview but this guy scott ended up doing it, i got really mad! after that i went to alekz' house for what was supposed to be poker night but the boys are wack so it was just me and her talking shit. i went home and my cousin slept over and i stayed up till 4ish talking to her.
wednesday we all woke up super late and then my aunt came to pick us up. i was planning on going in the pool at my cousin's house but we got there and it started raining.. it's not supposed to rain during spring break! so we just chilled inside and played the old school nintendo :] my mom picked me up, i went home, got ready, and went to jeremy's party. it wasn't the best but it was cool i guess. it got raided around 12 so a bunch of us went to josh's house. we sat there and ate shit for a while and then later on mike took me home :]
- me before jeremy's -
- alda, vissel and budda -
- alekz and me -
- brittany dancing -
- brit and alda -
- budda and jeremy -
- glenn and richard -
- jc and ana -
- me -
- nick, mike and alex -
- vissel, glenn and mike -
- a bunch of people -
around 1O on thursday ana called my cell phone and i rejected her call ;] then she called my house so i got up lol she invited me to the beach with her and ashley so i got my stuff ready and they came to pick me up. we were there till about 4 and then we came back, ate pizza and ashley took me home. ana came to my house and we just chilled here for a while. hollister called, i got the job :] wOo!
- ana -
- ashley driving -
- me -
- me and ana -
- ashley through the mirror -
- ana again -
- ashley dancing -
- me after the beach -
after ana left i got ready, picked up brittany and went to alekz' house. this time nick and manny came and we had a real poker night :] we ate pizza, played poker and dominoes, and started watching american wedding. around 1:3O my mom started bitching so i went home.
- me -
- brit -
- nick and me -
- nick feeling up on the pic of alekz' brother -
- manny and alekz fighting -
- manny -
- manny and alekz not talking -
- brit's eye -
- nick's eye -
- alekz' eye -
during the day on friday i did absolutely nothing but sleep.. it was great. at night i got ready and went to sunset with my sister and her friends and brittany. me and brittany watched robots. it was a really cute movie but still doesn't beat finding nemo :] at the end of the night we saw mike and jd so they sat with us for a while and talked. i was gonna go eat with them but my dad decided to be dumb, so brittany went with them and i went home :| i meant to go to sleep early but that didn't work out.
saturday morning i woke up at 7:45! who does that on a saturday!? well i had to be at the hollister orientation by 9 so i went and did that. i was there till 1O:3O. my mom picked me up, i came home, changed and she dropped me off at kristy's house. we waited for her mom to get there and we all left to the fontaine bleau hilton for kristy's birthday. the whole day was a huge mission but i had a good time. we got back to her house around 8:3O and we chilled there for a while. i was tired so danny gave me a ride home :] and on my last real night of spring break i stayed home haha. i stayed up till 12 to tell kristy happy birthday and then i fell asleep.
- me, kristy, nati and ale -
- kristy and bryan -
- me, jonathan and meli -
- me, nemo and meli -
- danny and me -
sunday was easter and i did nothing really. it was the end of lent so i finally got to eat meat again :] wOo! i went to wendy's and got chicken nuggets and a baked potato with bacon haha. i went to hollister again and bought jeans and 2 shirts with my 4O% discount :] at night i went to eat with my parents and that's about it.
today school was boring. i can't wait to get out of school. only 9 weeks left :] after school brittany and ana came home with me. we ended up not doing starbucks monday and going to tacobell and burger king instead. and now i'm here updating for alekz' .. hope you're happy!