Jun 07, 2007 10:50
So, for those of you who didn't know... I went to New York this past weekend! (Oooo, Aaaah!)It was a total blast... here are the highlights:
1.) I arrived at JFK airport, where I had my first ever encounter with the Air Train. Basically, JFK is so huge, it has it's own train system... which I was a bit confused by. Apparently, there is a train that goes up to some unknown place, and a train that goes to the A track of the subway... somehow I managed to end up in an airport terminal... until an arabic looking guy told me what was what, and I was on my way!
2.) The Subway- If there's one thing that I've always noticed about the subway, it's the amount of randomness that occurs there. It was pretty tame that night, but I did get to see a little asian woman eat some fried chicken, and there was a really loud Jewish woman (her nose was bigger than mine!) who was talking to her companion about someone's sexual experiences... very naughty baby!
3.) When I arrived on 50th and 8th, it was like a dream... I always love that feeling of coming from the dingy underground subway onto the street... all lights and sound! I walked 9 blocks uptown toward Columbus Circle (the lower west side of Central Park), and found Nick in front of the Time Warner Center... it was in slow motion, like the movies! So lovely :)
4.) On Sunday, Nick had some video game tournament thing to do, so I got to roam the lower west side for a bit. I got coffee at starbucks, (well, duh) and went to Central Park, where I sat watching people run, roller blade, and ride horse drawn carriages... I even read a little bit of Wicked (because there's nothing more New York than sitting in Central Park reading about a broadway show). Some random guy came up to me and asked if I was in posture school, because, apparently I "sit so particularly and carefully." He told me I was a pleasure and went on his way... Gosh I love New York :D
5.) That night, Nick, Tyler, and I all went back to the hotel room. We decided we were really bored and wanted to get smammered, so Nick and I ventured out into the great unknown (aka Queens) in search of alchohol. It was raining, my shoes got soaked, but we found a liqour store. It was so funny, because there was a guy actually drinking in there who worked for Delta (my return flight), and he was waving around his paper bag covered whiskey bottle and saying "Shhhh, don't tell them aboout this!"
6.) Yesm there was tons of sex... no, I don't care to kiss and tell ;)