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Comments 29

7 butwedonot December 18 2011, 06:25:13 UTC
[ Charles shifted anxiously, this wasn't really the sort of thing he was good at. Honestly. He did, however, generally make a valiant effort at being a good... friend? He supposed that's what they were for the time being, friends, and he quite liked that. Having someone outside of the small circle of students was always a pleasantry. Biting his lip he fiddled with the phone in his hand, taking a moment or two to fire off a message. ]

Come downstairs, I have something for you.


littlspecificty December 18 2011, 07:21:38 UTC
[ Ever since finding out the truth about Charles' abilities, while knowing the other man's feeling for him, Arthur felt they needed to take things slow. Being friends now with Arthur knowing the truth and then letting it develop into something more if it happened like that just seemed... better than rushing into anything ( ... )


2 CLEARLY THIS MAKES SENSE WITH HER! >> dreamsofmazes December 18 2011, 09:17:12 UTC
[ yes, ariadne knew he would be working through lunch - or she assumed as much. so it was no surprise that when she showed up to the warehouse he would be there busily working.

Closing the space between him and the entrance, she called out: ] Thought you'd be here.

[ not giving him time to respond, as she propped her hip up against his desk, a bright smile spread across her lips. ] Happy Birthday, Arthur.

[ anyone could see also, she had a large rectangular cake pan in her hands then, as she rested it carefully against her leg. ]


AWWW <3 littlspecificty December 18 2011, 10:49:32 UTC
[ While Arthur wasn't surprised that Ariadne had caught him working through lunch again, the cake, mentioning his birthday... No, he had not expected those things.

And it very much showed on his face, mouth hanging open slightly before he closed it and studied the cake (a caramel cake, one of his favorite kinds...).

He needed a moment to get his words together before looking back up at her. ]


[ Okay. That wasn't right.

Let's try again.

He cleared his throat and set his pen down, turning in his seat to face her [and her big pan of cake] to try and form an actual statement for her to respond to. ]

Um. Thank you...

[ Taking the pan from her and setting it on the table rather than make her continue to hold it against her leg like that. ]

But... how did you know it was my birthday?

[ He couldn't ever remember having mentioned it before unless... Dom.

He has to suppress a very tired sigh at that realization. ]


dreamsofmazes December 19 2011, 05:22:11 UTC
[ ariadne nudged him slightly with the side of her leg, giving him a small smile as she did.

it wasn't often that ariadne was able to catch him off guard, so she had to admit, she was rather fond of his expression over it all.

brow arching, she just crossed her arms over her chest then, speaking matter-a-factly: ]

I have my ways.

[ which basically meant, cobb had mentioned it to her in a phone call. but that wasn't something she was about to readily admit to.

letting out a small sigh, she just cocked her head to the side then, as a small laugh fell out of her. ] You weren't about to tell me it was, were you? [ she didn't expect him to answer that of course. but it was a statement she thought was true.

nodding towards the slightly sad excuse for a cake, a small sound of amusement escaping her. ] I expect you to eat it all - you know that right? I don't bake. [ which was code for: apparently i'll bake for you though. ]


1 eversohandsome December 18 2011, 09:43:46 UTC
[True to form, Bob's been excited about today almost as much as he's been excited about Christmas. Spending time with his family and friends always makes him happy but, this year, Arthur's birthday is providing just as much excitement. Somehow he's managed to weasel the date out of the other man and the rest, as they say, is history.

This morning he's playing the part of attentive... whatever he is, to Arthur. The man is asleep in his bed and Bob, for his part, has made the effort to get up early so he can cook the food he got in especially the day before. This morning's order? A Full English breakfast with a freshly percolated mug of strong coffee.

Twenty minutes later, when the eggs, bacon, sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms, beans and toast have all been seen to, he carries a tray (Chelsea football club logo emblazoned on it) through to his room, kicks the door open gently with a foot and doesn't stop until he's standing at the side of the bed.]

Oi, birthday boy? Wakey wakey.


littlspecificty December 18 2011, 11:21:05 UTC
[ Ever since meeting Bob in a London bar one night, Arthur has known the other has quite the talent for getting information out of him that most other people wouldn't be privy to (especially in the short time they had known each other; most people didn't know such personal things like his birthday until he had known them for a year or so - he and Bob had only known each other for a handful of months).

Arthur was coming to blame himself for such a thing happening, truly wondering if Bob was making him "a soft touch" -- especially with this whole "puppy dog look" that was disturbingly affective despite Arthur knowing exactly what it was.

And yet, here he was once again sleeping in the other man's bed and even though he was able to vaguely smell the food and coffee in his sleep, he was not awake enough to respond properly.

With actual words. ]



eversohandsome December 18 2011, 14:11:22 UTC
I've been slaving away over pots and pans for you! Come on!

[Bob's grin is far too large for him to be anything close to annoyed about that. He's happy to play housewife, complete with lewd apron still hanging around his neck and tied about his hips. He's pretty naked underneath that.]

This really isn't that exciting if you're going to stay asleep, babe.

[That little nickname on the end, Bob thinks, will probably do the trick. He always gets in trouble over that.]


littlspecificty December 18 2011, 14:23:55 UTC
[ Arthur continues to snore softly through most of the other's words and it isn't until Bob tacks on that "babe" bit that the point man snorts himself awake - that word somehow sticking out enough to wake him up - and he cracks his eyes open enough to squint a glare out at the other man.

He garbles out something that is suppose to sound like "don't call me babe" but it certainly doesn't sound like that at all.

He blinks a few more times before the tray of food registers and the confusion is clear on Arthur's face as he lifts his head up more. The noise he makes is just as confused as he looks and is easier to understand than another attempt at a statement while only half-awake. ]


4 mmamarine December 18 2011, 09:56:06 UTC
[Tommy has spent all day in the gym, working off any doubts about the plans he has for later. The whole thing he's got going on with Arthur is so familiar in some ways, but in others it's new and honestly? Tommy spends some days sure he's going to screw it up.

It's the feeling of certainty that he really doesn't want to fuck this up that he's making an effort way outside his own comfort zone for the other man's birthday, this year. He's not good with romantic gestures, but he's hoping that the other man will interpret the whole night as he means it.

Showered, cleaned up and dressed in clothes that he had to go buy especially, he's still messing around trying to button up his shirt when he hears the door.]


littlspecificty December 18 2011, 12:08:05 UTC
[ When it came to the day he was born, Arthur always tended to have a kind of ambivalence to it. At least since he was not longer a child.

After that period, he had often come to think of it "just another day". Didn't explain why he made it a point to acknowledge other people's birthdays but not his to the same extent but there it is.

He had noticed the past few days after Christmas how Tommy had seemed a bit... distracted if not tense. Arthur had chalked it up to him needing to go work it out at the gym and hadn't really pressed the other man on it, knowing that Tommy wasn't always one for talking and was more for being physical if more demonstrative with his affections (and, no matter how the other was during the day, usually by that night he'd be back to wanting Arthur's attention and wanting the closeness that often came after they had sex, becoming gentle and, Arthur would dare say, lovable in those moments before they both fell asleep, curled up and entangled with one another ( ... )


mmamarine December 18 2011, 14:30:35 UTC
[Shoulders sore from his workout, Tommy still holds them square at the sound of Arthur's voice. It's not that he's self-conscious about the way he looks, doesn't really care as long as he can still fight. He spends more time with black eyes and cuts to his face than the average man does. But he's close to turning around and taking the stupid smart shirt he's got on off. It makes him feel uncomfortable, like what he usually wears isn't good enough, and that's almost enough to have him getting pissy and grumpy.

Before he can back out he steps out into the hallway and into Arthur's view. He feels ridiculous, but that isn't enough to have him forgetting he's doing this for a reason.]



littlspecificty December 18 2011, 14:39:31 UTC
[ Arthur is about to give Tommy his regular greeting, pulling his jacket off, when he stops, both in speaking and in movement.

He blinks at Tommy once, twice, three times before he finally gets out: ]

What... why are you dressed up?

[ 'And where the hell did you find a shirt big enough to fit you that well?' wasn't said but definitely making his way through his mind as he took in the other man dressed in a way he ever did. ]


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