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ooc mobilisomnia April 15 2011, 06:29:50 UTC
Just wanted to day that I'm really glad you're back. Full swing, too. My Ariadne was hiding for a few weeks. Since nothing seemed to want to go right, but I'm glad to see you. You know I love your Arthur to bits. Even if Ariadne wants to strangle him sometimes it's only because she cares…


littlspecificty April 15 2011, 07:04:24 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad he's back, too! [And glad to be enjoying the new influx of Inception players *high fives*]

It's good to see you, too. <3 I was wondering where Ariadne went (and then Arthur wants to still be finicky at times even after he's come back). And yes, your Ari is wonderful - and Arthur feels much the same way. XD


mobilisomnia April 15 2011, 07:11:59 UTC
I know right! Where did they all come from?!

She was very selective. Like only came out once a week for a bit. But then I got more tags and new things and people to poke at. And ta da! She's back.

Oh our pups and their dysfunctional relationship...


littlspecificty April 15 2011, 07:20:58 UTC
I'm like "YAYS!" and then equal parts "WHERE THE F**K WERE YOU MONTHS AGO???". *lol*

Yep. With Arthur it was seeing all these new players to poke at and bam! There he was! Not even gone for a full month how inconsiderate.

Arthur seems to be drawn to these kind of things because he doesn't have a "normal" relationship with anyone in any verse. : \


mobilisomnia April 15 2011, 07:28:26 UTC
I feel like such an oldbie. The youngsters are too hip for me. Although I still poke them.

I think this is the most dysfunctional relationship and that includes the eventual dating with a Fischer and the sort of friends with benefits she had with an Eames in September. *pets Arthur*


littlspecificty April 15 2011, 07:40:24 UTC
Pssh. I do feel a bit old compared to them (especially the ones that just started at the beginning of this month) but that doesn't stop me from basically pouncing on them like nobody's business. I am totally stalking for them on SWS and d_m wutarthurwasborntostalk.

LOL Nice. XD Hopefully Ariadne won't give up on him because, while it will take a while, he will eventually open up to her. And then some.


mobilisomnia April 15 2011, 07:45:58 UTC
Oh, I stalk sws all the time.

Ariadne doesn't give up. She's too persistent and stubborn. I mean she stuck with Cobb and that was nearly a lost cause.


littlspecificty April 15 2011, 08:06:39 UTC
XD I often feel like I can't keep up with all the posts there.

Well, that's good. She'll need all of that with him. *nods*


mobilisomnia April 15 2011, 08:14:35 UTC
I check it all the time on my phone.

It's okay. She's not going anywhere. *moar pets for Arthur*


littlspecificty April 15 2011, 08:33:34 UTC
So, where should we take the verse now? *imagines Arthur taking care of Ariadne and watching all her favorite movies with her - even the ones he hates and then falling asleep in the recliner while she's on the couch :3*


mobilisomnia April 15 2011, 08:37:08 UTC
I'm really open. She's going to need a bit. Physical therapy and all. Breakfast at Tiffany's until he finally buys her a cat named Cat.


littlspecificty April 15 2011, 08:45:05 UTC
lol, we could skip a few weeks and jump straight into her having been a guest at Arthur's place for a while? Actually, he'd be more inclined to buy her the dress or necklace from the movie - or hell, just take her to breakfast at Tiffany's. He's got this thing against pets for some reason - that and getting old. *lol*


mobilisomnia April 15 2011, 08:53:01 UTC
She's not going yo be happy about being a guest again. But yeah, that's fine. That goes against the point of the movie, Arthur. :|


littlspecificty April 15 2011, 08:57:14 UTC
Okay - you want to do the post or me? He doesn't care; he'd rather be watching Blade Runner. :|


mobilisomnia April 15 2011, 09:08:36 UTC
I'm on my phone. It'll take me like an hour to post. No, Arthur. You're stuck with Love Story and the Breakfast Club.


littlspecificty April 15 2011, 09:27:13 UTC
I'm not really in any rush, tbh. I'm just not sure on all the details you might want so that's the only reason why I'm not all "I'll do it".

Oh noes! So no this or this??? And Arthur actually likes The Breakfast Club. Although a small part of his soul will die every time he has to watch Love Story.


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