[ demon verse 001? ]: they made a statue of us and put it on a mountain top

Sep 28, 2011 01:38

Arthur, by the time he was seventeen, had been in Wales for a good portion of his life. It was a near daily habit for him to find the stone path that led to "demon statue" in the woods and sit at its feet, back leaning against the legs, reading, doing homework or sometimes just thinking out loud while the sounds of the forest continued around him ( Read more... )

who: eames ||| triedinception, what: log, verse: [demon verse], what: au, the one where eames is a demon

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triedinception September 28 2011, 05:55:00 UTC
Contrary to what Arthur believed, the statue was exactly what Sylvia had told Arthur it was ( ... )


littlspecificty September 28 2011, 06:17:28 UTC
Sylvia felt the first crack made in the seal - like each guardian before her, she was connected to it - and immediately broke into a dead run to head for the house for her weapons. She had noticed certain things in the wind, how fewer birds were around, how that part of the forest had seemed silent and devoid of even insects but she hadn't thought it would actually be happening now.

No, this creature had been sealed away for so long. Why was it breaking nowArthur had continued walking but then stopped, feeling the hair on the back of his neck stand on end, feeling frozen to the spot before slowly turning to look behind him, the statue blocked by trees by now ( ... )


triedinception September 28 2011, 06:26:58 UTC
One crack beget more, and Eames was practically ripping the seal apart once he realized that he could.

It didn't take long, somewhat underwhelmingly after years of imprisonment. Within a minute Eames was bursting out of his former seal, with a howl.

For a moment if anyone could have seen, him in his demon form, all burly, course fur and dark eyes, a maw of fangs and resting on his four arms, the feelers on his back waving about wildly... he would have made a sight. The energy released shook the trees; the spiritual impact of it would feel much like a punching out of breath, a sudden crush that was gone as soon as it occurred.

Eames was a blur as he took off the path, still in his demon form. However, when he reached the edge of the trees, and spotted Arthur, Sylvia just exiting the house, his form wavered.

And then Arthur would find himself hurtling towards the ground, a tall, male form above him, limbs wrapped around his body.


littlspecificty September 28 2011, 06:43:05 UTC
Sylvia had been running as fast as she could when she heard the howl, screaming for Arthur to run faster, feeling herself trip and nearly fall on her face at the impact of the seal breaking completely, mind racing as she was trying to get between Arthur and the demon (no doubt looking to seek vengeance on the descendants of the first guardians that had captured him so long ago).

Arthur had been running so hard he felt as if his lungs were burning, that howl behind him making his stomach drop, but, before he knew it, he was down on the ground, a heavy weight on top of him. He had cried out at the pain, elbows and knees getting scraped, nearly getting a mouthful of dirt and feeling the breathe knocked out of him.

It wasn't until Sylvia had screamed at Eames to get off of him that Arthur knew he was in trouble.


triedinception September 28 2011, 06:52:18 UTC
Sylvia would no doubt know he was the demon, regardless of how he looked now; as a demon he was decidedly shameless, and though tattoos curled over his shoulders, around his arms and legs, he was very, very naked.

Set atop Arthur was a tanned man, his arms and legs wrapped around the boy; a course-furred brown tail that started at the end of his spine waving lazily in the air, almost as half-long as the man, who was noticeably tall.

The demon, Eames, had slate blue eyes that flashed black when Sylvia had screamed. He leaned down and....


Rubbing his cheek against the top of Arthur's head, he said something, in a language that was harsh and guttural.


littlspecificty September 28 2011, 07:05:19 UTC
Arthur remained where he was, barely daring to breathe, heart pounding in his chest, eyes squeezed shut as the language in his ear sounded like something out of a nightmare (the purring and rubbing at his head only making him dread what was to come even more).

Above him Sylvia practically snarled out, pointing the tip of the blade she was wielding closer to the demon's neck, "If you want to live you will get off of him now!"

She also had the string of beads her ancestors had crafted and perfected in restraining demons on her - most effective when wrapped around the creature's neck.


triedinception September 28 2011, 07:10:24 UTC
Eames belatedly realized that speaking his native language was not going to help him. (It was probably for the best, as he had said something to the effect of 'I've been waiting to get my hands on you for years'.)

He straightened a little, eying the adult guardian and her weapons.

When he spoke, his voice was deep, accented with a very old English brogue.

"Relax, little guardian, I'm not going to kill the boy."

As he spoke, the tail that had been waving curled forward, around Arthur's neck.


littlspecificty September 28 2011, 07:18:34 UTC
Sylvia couldn't help a eye twitching slightly at his words, "Who the hell are you calling "little"?"

Arthur let out a startled noise at the tail - what the fuck, a tail?? - curling around his neck, struggling slightly then against the weight on top of him, no longer feeling disoriented (or like he would shit himself).


triedinception September 28 2011, 07:21:11 UTC
"You, of course. You're quite a bit younger than me, after all."

As he spoke he glanced down to the boy, and though he didn't pin him further, he would find Eames a quite immovable naked weight on him. The tail pressed up under his chin, asking him to tilt his head back if he would so please.


littlspecificty September 28 2011, 07:27:47 UTC
Normally, Sylvia would have taken such an observation as a compliment. But coming from a demon like Eames, it was as good as blatant mockery -- that and seeing what he was trying to do to Arthur was enough to make her growl and slam the butt of the sword into the demon's cheek, moving to try and wrap the beads around his neck and pull him off of the boy.

"I said get the fuck off of him!"


triedinception September 28 2011, 07:48:57 UTC
The sword wasn't enough to make him let go, but it was dizzying enough; enough that he wrapped an arm around Arthur's shoulders and leapt back with the boy in arms, standing a good few feed away from her.

Arthur only came up to his shoulders, especially now that they were on flat feet.

"I'm not very inclined to. Especially because he's the whole reason I'm out, I'd dare say."


littlspecificty September 28 2011, 07:56:20 UTC
It took Arthur a moment to recover from suddenly being back on his feet when he had just been on the ground, but when he looked down, finally noticing the arms and legs he could make out were naked, he felt that information sink in.

Then that meant... what he was feeling pressed into his ass...

That was enough to get Arthur to fall back into his training and try to escape the demon's hold, trying to use all the strength he could muster (and even if his blows weren't doing much physical harm, at least they might be distracting enough to give Sylvia a chance to catch him off-guard).


triedinception September 28 2011, 08:04:50 UTC
At full power, Eames would have been able to beat both of them easily. He was one of the older demons in existence; not many were older than him.

That being said, he'd expended a huge amount of energy just to escape that seal - and only because it'd been breaking.

"Ow, ow, bloody ow!"

He cursed and let the boy go to fend off both of their blows.

"Will you two stop and listen for one chistdamn second!"


littlspecificty September 28 2011, 08:09:03 UTC
Sylvia responded with wrapping the beads around his neck, kicking him in the back of the knees to make him go down, "Why? So you can rip out our throats? I don't think so."

Arthur had stepped away from him, looking at this creature that had supposedly... what? Been in that statue all along?


triedinception September 28 2011, 08:13:11 UTC
Eames let out a very demonic sounding hiss when she wrapped the beads around his throat, going to his knees. His eyes flashed black and stayed black and when he spoke, his voice had gone from deep to very wrecked.

"If I wanted to rip your throats out I would have done it when I had him on the ground. I'm not here to hurt you."

And then, (though they couldn't tell) his gaze slid towards Arthur. "Arthur, tell her."


littlspecificty September 28 2011, 08:16:29 UTC
Sylvia kept her hold on the beads, telling Arthur to go call Elijah, the other guardian, and make sure he was on his way.

Arthur, however, remained where he was, brow furrowing, "... tell her what?" This could be a trick and yet... he felt inclined to ask, to know what he meant.


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