[ puppy love 001: ] this could really be a good life

Sep 15, 2011 23:07

Arthur was still at the beginning of his "new life" in London, studying both architecture and literature at one of the universities and living off campus in an apartment that allowed him the kind of privacy he wanted.

He had forged papers and grades to get in but he knew he could handle the workload (and so far he was).

He was still adjusting to life in London but he was learning through repetition and routine in getting to school in the mornings, going to his classes and then doing what else he needed to do before he went back home.

Even the near-constant rain couldn't ruin his mood as he walked down the sidewalk, umbrella in one hand, a bag of groceries in the other, and his bag strapped across his chest, bumping against one hip as he continued to walk.

(He didn't even notice the dog steadily following him as he went.)

who: eames ||| triedinception, what: log, we've really done it now, what: au, eames makes the cutest husky, verse: puppy love

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