Nothing wrong with a little change

Jun 20, 2011 07:22

Although I am one of the people that would get all happy/excited about this. -_-

But ANYway. New layout, new look, and even gave Arthur a new phone*.

I think it all looks pretty good considering it's the same base code. HTML will eventually bow to my whims!!

* 1- Because he's had it taken from him in one verse.
2 - Had to destory it in another.
3 - Broke it in another (and all because Eames pissed him off by being a complete jerkbagshitface that's right shifts, I'm calling yo ass out Arthurneverforgets).
4 - And because apparently people like to text him. A lot. (yes, looking at you most pointedly paisleythief; and a little less pointedly to dreamsofmazes and artfulforger)

arthur totally hates my tags, i'm not completely made of fail, making html my bitch, arthur destroyer of phones, eames is a dick, what: random ooc post, what: layout

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