Showing off...

Mar 01, 2007 11:03

I brought in the new veil to work to show to my friend here. Much tossing about of the veil (ooooh... it floats) and giggling ensued. My supervisor walked past and said friend asked him if he wanted to join in the girly conversation. He chuckled and was duly shocked when my friend told him that I had gone out to buy makeup.

*grin* I’m not generally known as being girly here... I work in a department full of guys and developed a thick skin and quick wit pretty quickly (being driven to tears will do that to you:)), so nobody really even thinks of me as a girl, I think. At least I work very hard to keep it that way...

So when I bring in my pretties and sparklies and jinglies to show my friend, we usually look before anyone else gets here. She did, however, mention the word belly dance (and suggested I dance around in here) so that my supervisor could hear. He hasn’t said anything, but I’m waiting for it...

My dancing isn’t really a secret, per se, I just don’t feel I’m good enough to announce I do it and to field the requests when people find out (“Can you do this? How about that?”). So I’m keeping it quiet until I get better... Of course, with my shyness, I’ll likely keep it quiet even after I get better!:)

I love dancing, and practice as subtly as I can here at my desk. Chest pops, slides, undulations, and stomach tensing (suck in upper, suck in lower) are about the extent of my practice here, until I go into the security room... then I close the door and practice the routines!:) That and undulations and traveling steps when I go to the bathroom!

Why yes, yes, I am a dork and overly enthusiastic... But it’s like I told my friend here, I really hope that I don’t lose that enthusiasm. I love this too much, and don’t want my excitement about it to wane.
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