extract from chapter three

Nov 07, 2009 00:27

I stared at the computer for a little bit with my hands against my open mouth, and gasped. Rach and Jeff must have snapped out of their respective daydreams and came over to look. Jeff patted me on the back in congratulations just as Rach shrieked with excitement “Oh my God oh my God” she kept saying as she waved her hands excitedly. “I knew your idea was brilliant! And clearly Ben thought so too!” I wasn't quite so happy. In fact, I was distraught. Their ideas were much better than mine! Why did mine get passed on? And without my knowledge? I shared these thoughts with Jeff and Rach. Jeff spoke just as Rach took a deep breath. He said that we were a team, and if one of us wins, we all win. Chuck was an awesome idea, and had somehow been circulated around the IS already, so it deserved to go far. As Jeff took a breath for the next sentence, Rach unleashed her flood of words. They sounded exactly like this:

What Are You Talking About You Crazy Woman When The Boss Says You've Done Well Don't Question The Boss Our Ideas Were Nowhere As Inventive Or As Genius As Yours So Shut Your Whinging Trap And Let's Get On With Making Our Next Big Winner Before I Beat You Around The Head With Jeff's Bag

We couldn't help but laugh. Jeff nearly fell off his chair. She was right, I should be happy, and as it was only the first week of work it really couldn't get better than this.


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