Life Lessons

Jul 10, 2008 00:05

There are so many lessons to learn about life. So many different things you have to experience, live through, survive.

I've learnt a couple of things in the past couple of months. I've learnt that the people that I love can hurt me the most. I've noticed that the people you hardly see leave deep impressions in your life during the short time you spend with them. I've seen how quickly someone can forget you when life is going great, and how quicky they remember you when they need support. I've learnt that support is sometimes the only thing you can give to someone, but can be the best gift in a time of need. I've found out that you can find a genuine friend despite having never met them; that sometimes those who can't see you judge you the least. I've seen how important it is to have someone to cry on at your bleakest moment, and the need for someone to confide in about your deepest fears.

There are more. Loads more. But those are most of the swirly thoughts that are in my head at the moment. Swirly.

Round and round.

lessons, learn, thoughts

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