Whether weather

May 30, 2008 12:35

hellooo, it's looking grey and damp today, and it doesn't bode well for my session in Middleton in just under an hour. I decided that facepaints might be the way forward since it keeps the kids entertained, and also keeps me from running around which is something I can't quite do at the minute.

I fell out of a tree yesterday, much to the admiration of the 12 year old lads who were watching me , and the general amusement of myself. It was a very controlled sorta affair, but nonetheless a fall, and my body's complaining about it today. Nothing's broken though otherwise I'm pretty sure I'd be in actual pain, but I'm just a little sore, and to top it off, I have a very silly cold so working outside isn't really ideal. Nevermind, worse things have happened...! :)

So far, I have roped 3 of my friends in to help me run a session, which is quite funny. I thank all 3 wholeheartedly, especially since they really didn't get what I was doing until they were doing it themselves. I don't actually think anyone understands, but if you want things clarifying, you should all come to work with me one day! :) Hahaa. I'm working all through summer as well, so if you have a spare day, feel free to volunteer for me! :) Hahaaa...

I want to take photos, but I'm ill!! Need to be un-ill. *Concentrates hard for a few second* nope, still ill. Ah well.

Anyway, I'll be off...

fall, tree, ill, facepaints, volunteer, work, friends, photos

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