Getting colder.

Sep 20, 2006 07:47

So, I'm just about to drive to Warrington on my daily adventure into Ikea. I am having so much fun, although I'm being to settle a little now and there is less bouncing around and more productive work. It's great, I really am enjoying it.

Record low price lunch so far: 35p.

There's only 1 more week of working at Warrington before we go into the Ashton store! So excited!

Other than that, I'm just a little tired. My mum has hurt her back and she seems to hobble around a lot. Ooh, she's just come downstairs so I think she's much better now. I worked 45 hours at Ikea last week, then I did 8.5 hours for my party hosting so I did lots and lots of work last week. Sorta evens out the fact that I did nothing last year. I think I'm really enjoying being productive from the minute I wake up! It is a bit silly though cos I didn't see mum and uncle for 2 days last week! Hopefully it won't be like this this week.

Dad's in HK. Grandma's going home soon.


back, warrington, lunch, work, ikea, hk

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