Little Yuzu is Listening To
The Block [Deluxe Edition]New Kids On The Block
I haven't been very productive with crafting lately. I really need to get into gear soon because the holidays are coming up, and it'd be nice if I could make gifts (something I always say I'm going to do, but never really get around to actually doing). I kind'a got back into it last night, though. I crocheted miniature cupcakes for some of my coworkers whose birthdays are this month.
I'm still working on a scarf I'm knitting for
Operation Gratitude, a program in which
smiledoggie and I are participating. It's taking me a long time because I'm using small needles and a worsted-weight yarn. I should've done a scarf with giant needles and chunky yarn so I could finish faster! Oh well, I'll be happy when it's finally done and shipped off to the troops overseas. :)
here at