Jan 22, 2010 01:01
I shouldn't online now certainly.. orz ok, I will make this fast..
With the huge amount of assignments wating for me, I have no time to do other unrelated stuffs.. Like today, I used all the time I had to trace typo.. And with all the time I spent, I only manage to finish one piece.. It has been three days since I started.. I had 5 more to go plus the 45 ideas that due next Tuesday..
Sides, IDA gaves us no rest too.. I have to sketch Ideallic Garden using Catalina Estrada style and finish the outline for the mid-term..
History of GD.. I need to submit my first stage of research and idea tomorrow.. Which I only have a very rough one.. orz
18 black and white playing with self portrait and 18 colour one plus resesarch on Art Nouveau and their types for applied design..
I still got no idea on how to write the report for "American Histort X" which due next Wednesday..
Sketching is coming.. -_-"
With all those things, someone is still able to make me so "happy" about anything that happened.. He think I am very free doing nothing.. Makes me so damn "happy" with all the accusing.. Every time when this happenes, I am the one who tolerate first.. This time, I am not going to do that again.. This time, I didn't do anything wrong.. You are using some very bad words on me.. Which until now I am still very unhappy about it even though I read what you wrote.. 事后一句对不起,又能弥补些什么? You can tell me about it, can't you? You are so not sincere.. I thought telling you everything will be better than not telling you anything.. But see the outcome.. Haih..You like perfect? Who don't? I like perfect too.. But you think there is anyone in this world is perfect? If you are not perfect, please don't hope the one beside you is perfect.. And don't brings up your dad as some excuse.. This is childish you know.. Sheesh.. I got my own pressure, those who are working got their own pressure.. Not like I am very pressure tolerable.. You are very free.. Of course.. You got nothing better to do.. To be honest, I'd rather you enrol to some college or went to NS or something which will eat up your time.. You will not be able to poke me with something this unnecessary.. Which will result in a better relationship between us..
I am sure that you will be very unhappy when you read this, whether you accept this fact or not is your problem.. If you think what I say are crap, you are hopeless.. I am stubborn? You are worst.. Well, I am typing this in a hurry and with some anger, so maybe some of it I was a little bit too much.. I might over react again.. See, I am telling you beforehand that I MIGHT be over reacting.. And if you still want to get angry over me.. Go ahead.. I will be very disappointed.. Nevertheless, I will keep my promise for you know what is that..
Thats all for today.. I am going to bed now.. I will not update my journal until I clear all my assignments.. For the time being, I won't be on Neopets, won't on my msn, won't read other's blogs and won't follow updates from my favourite lolita sites.. Oh, I won't update my twitter too..
feelings & rants